Thursday, January 21, 2010

ANNOUNCEMENT-New Blog Link is listed in comment here

This blog is closed. But someone is willing to take over so I am informing everyone that soon a new blog will be running.
I will have nothing to do with this blog any more. The new administrator is setting a new blog up with their own password etc.
They will be posting the link to the new blog here when they have it ready for you so please keep checking.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Post Deleted

The recent post has been deleted due to hate messages received. It seems the coward hiding behind "anonymous" seems hell bent on destroying me or anyone connected to me as most of the comments were made by the same person.
No matter what is posted, for comments or posts, this coward trashes everyone around.
As such I have decided to shut this voice down. You will no longer be able to hear the truth anymore.
But you will be able to go to the trash blog and read all the lies you want.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lufkins Mystery

We want to extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Michelle Lufkins. May you find peace amid the turmoil.

We've been hearing lots of rumors regarding her death, but very little facts.

We have been told by various sources that she was reported missing on November 20 and her body was found in a wooded area behind the Sisseton High School on the evening of December 1.
The city Police were instructed to keep the area under patrol until the following morning of December 2 while her body stayed there.
An autopsy was ordered and completed in Sioux Falls, but still no official statement has been issued. We have heard bits and pieces of those results from a very reliable source, but official statement has been issued. The autopsy has been over and done for more than a week now, with no official statement. Our informant has said it was completed on December 3.

We have heard that she could not have been where she was found more than a day or where was she since November 20?? How did she get there?? Who else was involved??
Answers....the people want some answers. We welcome any input on this subject, but please keep it clean.
We have plenty of questions....will we get any answers??

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recent CC Meeting

There was an interesting article in the Courier this week by John Seiber (page B1). It dealt with a recap of the Nov 10 CC meeting.
Amid all the bickering, indecision, name-calling and back-pedaling on previous decisions, there was a notation regarding a vote on a motion to fence off a section line. The vote was tallied with Hull also casting a vote.
It has been our impression that the Chairman only votes to break a tie and this clearly was NOT a tie vote.
Common sense (and South Dakota law) says that section lines are not to be closed if only ONE person objects, and that article stated there were several objections.
It will be even more interesting to see what write-up is published on this same meeting in 2 weeks won't it?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

RC Sheriff Office: A Family Connection?

Of course we all know that RC Sheriff Tasa has a family tie with CC Navratil (he is Roger's nephew). But did you know that 2 recently hired Deputies are cousins as well? One is part time and one is full time, but both are relatives.

Amazing how quiet those CCs are about the Tasa-Navratil-sheriff staff family connection isn't it? Especially when those same CCs howled and roared when Vince Owen hired someone with ties in the past.

Could it be that the current sheriff is easily directed by our CCs so of course they want more of the same in that department? Or could it be simply a matter of skin color and/or genetics?

Makes one wonder if RC adheres to the "Equal Opportunity" disclaimer doesn't it?

Friday, October 23, 2009


What do you know. I remove moderation and someone anonymously posts more hate.
I have deleted the comment naming the hate poster. I will ask that you not throw mud as it usually sticks to both parties. At the very least sign your name to your post and be accountable.
We have investigators working on the person spewing the hate and lies and they assure me they are closing in on the party. When they identify the person to my satisfaction the comments will reappear.
Of course moderation is once again in effect here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

UPDATED: To Moderate or Name Names?

In response to the woman who is posting profanity and idiotic comments on this blog:
We have someone tracking you and we have your name and city.
If you continue posting your garbage your full name and city will be posted as well.

Go back to your pitiful blog and stay there. This blog is for discussion, not mindless cussing. You are not wanted here.
In order to keep this blog clean and not deal with the filth that has been posted in comments I have placed this blog on comment moderation for the time being. As soon as this issue is resolved the moderation will be turned off. This is for the good of all even if it is more work.

The ignorant woman with the foul mouth posting the filth here is from NEW EFFINGTON. I am in contact with her ISP and I have given them her full name, and I will post it if she persists.