Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tribal Concerns

It has been mentioned there was no place for all things Oyate.

Here is where you want to post your tribal concern comments. We have room for all RC citizens on this blog.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Seven Commissioners??

Remember when it was said that RC had 6 Commissioners? It sounds like we have another one, making a total of 7 now. It has been reported that 2 wanna-be CCers are attempting to dictate who gets off probation and when in the Sheriff Dept and one of them is insisting on being in on the CC decisions. It would seem this is all a sham so an informer can be kept running between the jail and the courthouse.
I am sure that our Sheriff has nothing to hide so why don't those 2 Counterfeit Commissioners just get back to doing the work they were hired to do? It might not be too early to start thinking of the next elections coming up and who needs to go and who can replace them?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Roberts County considering court reforms

The Watertown Public Opinion has an informative article today regarding changes offered by our new States Attorney that warrants reading. The link for this is below:

Some ideas that were brought up by Cameron were a Teen Court and changes in methods for DUI handling, among others. These seem to be worthy of more attention as they would most likely alleviate the overloaded RC court system and help the RC budget as well as being beneficial to those charged.

Good ideas Kerry! We need changes here in RC and it sounds like you have some good ones.

The story also gives a rundown on the newest Grab Game by Kay for that RC county dollar she can no longer call hers. We applaud those commissioners for standing firm on this issue.

Another good article by Joe O'Sullivan of course. It seems we get more RC news brought to us by the Opinion than our own local newspaper.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

RC Road Maintenance or Lack Of

We are wondering what the RC road maintenance policy really is? We can't help but notice that most of the county roads have not been touched recently despite blizzards and snowstorms. Gravel or tar, the roads are getting very tough with little or no snow removal.....except that done by local farmers who were forced to move snow in order to get out. We have not seen a snowplow on our county road for well over a week now, almost 2.
No notices have been published nor signs put up stating policy changes that we are aware of. We would think the current upheaval in that department should not affect the roads and the responsibilities RC has committed to the county residents.
In fact, the roads have only been cleared a few times this winter season so far; so the argument of "lack of funds" shouldn't apply.
It is getting rather embarrassing when people from other areas mention the poor shape our RC roads are in.
The city of Sisseton has done an excellent job with snow removal this winter so far and is to be commended for keeping up with what winter has dealt us.
Perhaps they could give the RC Road Dept some advice?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

CC New Leadership? HA!

The Watertown PO had an article yesterday that stated our CCs voted against giving themselves a pay raise. Do they think that will give them a good impression with the citizenry in RC? More like they knew if they did vote more money there would probably be some very vocal complaints around the county.
The article went on to say that Hull had been voted Chairman (we knew that would happen) and Navratil is to be Vice Chair.
I think they saved some low-end titles for those "new" guys though.
Enjoy yourselves commissioners, while it lasts.

They also hashed over the dilemma of appointing a deputy States Attorney and appointing a full time public defender. What is this? Didn't our old SA say there was no need for a public defender when she was in office? Suddenly we need a public defender and Kay just might happen to be available? and if that ploy doesn't work, there is always the NEED for a deputy SA isn't there....

In another publication there is quite a story about Richard Glynn returning to Sisseton, perhaps he would be available for one of those positions??

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Control To The End....and beyond?

It seems our outgoing CC's are going to hang on to those reins of authority just as long as possible. Perhaps even longer.
The 2 newly elected Commissioners have been denied involvement in the hiring of the new RC Highway Superintendent position
(and we won't even go into that mess). The latest CC report would have you thinking there was actually an interview process for this position, when in fact, the new Super has already been picked by the Old Guard Boys. Hopefully he will do a good job in that capacity, even if he is related to one of our current CCs.
It would seem to me the new CCs are the ones who will be working with the new Super and should be involved in that decision. In any event, we are relieved (and ever hopeful) that this might be the last decision made by those outvoted commish's and RC will begin to heal from the oppression we have been under for too long.