Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Higher Taxes aka Opt Out

We hear there is a petition circulating regarding the proposed Opt Out/Higher Taxes that our CC would pass with no input from the taxpayers. In fact, there are several petitions going around right now.

This is in reference to the small article buried in the Courier about how broke the county is and how the Big Bad jail did it all. The jail, by the way, that those same CCs pushed onto the citizens...all the while touting about how much it would "save" the county with lower costs, less employees and more income etc etc. The same jail that was voted down several times and then passed by those same CCs over a technicality in the end. The very same jail that the very same CCs would not share with the Tribe.

It is a fact that RC is hurting on the budget, that same budget that could be cut in many other ways. Maybe these petitions will be The Way it is done?

Perhaps we could eliminate keeping Kay on the county payroll especially since she lost the election? Maybe our CCs would forego collecting all that unnecessary mileage fees when they go all over the county (and then some) over common sense issues that do not need to include road tripping?

By signing this petition a voter is demanding the issue of higher taxes be put to a vote so the citizens can decide just when it is time to STOP THE SPENDING!


Anonymous said...

seem taxes keep going up and up but what are we getting? better roads...no. more law enforcment...no. services keep going down all the time

Anonymous said...

Do they think they will get this passed with who they put in for Sheriff???? H---No!!!! We voters can have our say this way!!!! Learned you have to pass a stupidity test to prove you are as dumb as Hull and Horton before you can get on Commissioner board!!!! Another set up on Hulls part as he tried to do with Brooks and failed. Bought him a BOY!!!!!! Let the Jail go down ot will anyway now so were nor spending any more money for those jerks and a Sheriff just off the street no experiance no offence for him Sure they promised alot but he'll find out they never do what they say. Keep your good job man you dont deserve them!!!!!

Anonymous said...

From what I understand talking with Chad Ward the jail is paying 95% of its way.He has contacts with other agencies and the federal goverment.I can't remember the exact figure every month thats given to the auditor. It always winds up in the general fund and then blame the jail for the cost.

Anonymous said...

Theres patitions out there ever where paople find one and sign ot so opt out will go to vote. We need to show thode idiots who are suppose to be running the Co in the interest of the taxpayers instead of for their own agendas that we will not give them any more of our money to squaunder!!!!

Anonymous said...

We were going to vote for it till the 5 bone heads put a dheriff in that cant even carry a gun!!!! Not his fault. Hulls saying he had to up the anti to get him offered him the same as certified. Poor guy we dont blame him he was bought!! But again do we want a Sheriff that cant see thru Hull and Hortom I think not!!! NO ON OPT OUT !!!

Anonymous said...

Question to commissioners. If county is so broke how dis you come up with 20000 to pay Vince to leave????? Im sure Hull would have payed it himself to get him out!!! You 5 are to blame for this if you would have done what was best for thw county you would have voted against it and we would still have a great Sheriff and none of these problems All he and Ward have done for the county getting the jail up and being produtive we would have voted yes on opt out to raise his wages, at least would feel safe!!! Come to Roberts county criminals its here for the taking No one here eo stop you. Travis,Ben and Orville will do their best but they are not supermen!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just want to remind voters Roger George voted against Vince lEAVING and Tim Zimpel didnt vote at all so its the same 3 IDIOTS that wanted Vince gone and came up with the bucks. Vince proved his point the 3 amingos wanted a BOY and now they have him!!!!!! Poor poor Roberts County Residents. Nont come to us for an OPT OUT you proved the County has noney!!!!!!

dartman said...

Opt Out is history for now! A petition was filed yesterday in Auditor's office containing 571 RC voter signatures. Now the voters can decide to opt out or not or demand an accounting of why the county is broke other than the big, bad jail and payoffs. Just maybe, maybe the CC's will decide to listen to the voters and not just take their orders from Hellwig like Hull, Horton and others are doing but then maybe Hellig can pay off RC debts and solve the whole thing. LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

Helwig huh???? Not surprising, he has his fingers in anything. Clue us in Bob as to how deep Helwig is in this. We know where stipid Hull and Horton stand. Great on the opt out thanks to all who gavr of their time now we will show commissioners when things are done the way the taxpayers want it theres a vote!!!!! And we will vote for Dheriff next year and it wont be a boy!!!!

dartman said...

Thanks for your comments. Several of us worked hard to get the petition signed in the few days we had to complete it. Hellwig? Not enough info yet to tell you anything other than CC meeting, sometime back, that caused an open meeting despute and almost a law suit and that he controls auction barn and his brother has Aberdeen and now another in the area.Lots of rumors, hints and suggestions but trust me, the search for more info is an ongoing investigation by many.

Anonymous said...

How can they blame the jail???? It has generated $283,000 as of Sept.1st from contracts set by Vince Owen and Chad Ward. I would say they are definitly carrying their weight even tho a jail is not for making money but for housing criminals. Wake up voters its from poor management and planning of the famous 3 and past commissioners. Now they want more of our money to pull them out!!!! I say NO!!!!!! I WILL VOTE NO AS WILL ALL MY FAMILY.