Friday, August 7, 2009

New Sheriff Named

A new Sheriff has been appointed we hear. Let's all give Jay Tasa a welcome & a chance to show what he's got. We hope he can get in the saddle quickly as this county needs all the help and leadership it can get. We would like to hear from you Jay.
It isn't his fault that RC is saddled with a bunch of inept power hungry ignorant CC's who think the CC title is rightfully theirs forever. Well at least 3 out of 5 think so.
We know that you read this blog Hull. Why don't you explain how you came to this decision? What made Mr. Tasa get the position over the other applicants? Just what "qualifications" did he have that those others were lacking?
It looks like there is a little over a year for Mr. Tasa to "prove" himself and some of you CCs will be facing elections soon won't you. You have already "proved" yourselves and the voters are ready to VOTE.
It was good to hear from Orville Folk also. Thanks for all you have done for RC Orville. It sounds like you would have been a
good choice, but we are sure those CC feel they know better than everyone else don't we.

And you thought it couldn't get any worse??


Anonymous said...

Unbelievabled !!!!!! Tasa you are a good man and father but you are in over your head. No natter what those fools promised you get out while the getting is good cause they dont live up to what they say. . Dont give up a great job and feedom of time with your boys for the headache you are getting into. You are not going to like worhing 24/7 some days and the voters wont put you in next election you dont deserve being their "boy" and thats what you will be. You are to good for that!!!! You are great at the port but not LE material. You are netting in over your head man.

Anonymous said...

Well lets see what we have here. Some of the choices were, a deputy that is certified trs of experiance a great part tome deputy thats certified as a reserve and would have needed a short time away to become certified, highly respected in the co. by residents and LE officers,DOC,DCI and has donated many free hrs to the Co. Both these Deputys are firearms certified also then we have a Port of entry man good guy at what he does,strong family man but no actual LE training and can't carry a gun!!!!! Whoops ones Native one wont be walked on by commiss so the 3rd is the Cheif of Polices friend and he was Commissioners boy so commissioners say we'll take no.3 he'll be are boy then we will run the sheriffs office as we want. Only problem here is a decent man will pay the price because he beleived them and didnt check with any past sheriffs for facts of the office. Therews no winners here, not the residents of the county, not the staff that worked so hard to get that jail going and not Mr Tasa and his family onlt the commissioners in there sick way. Ots a sad time for oir county, all Sheriff Owens work and contracts down the tubes. Sad,sad day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Roberts County is as always the laughing spot of the state. A Sheriff that cant carry a gun!!! In this Co. 1 certified Deputy passed over quit. One going for Surgery some that would have helped another applicant all certified now wont. Law Officers that dont trust a no name Croymans friend so all the work Owen did to get all agencys working together is down the tubes. We in the field dont trust Criyman to have our backs why would we trust a no name??? Its a mess for you voters Please for your sake let your voices be heard. Untill then Hull and Horton are running your Co. If the man has any respect for himself he will go back to a job where he was respected. Not make a fool of himself by being bought!!!! Mike

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. I haven’t been on any of the blogs for awhile so I thought I'd stop in and take a look and see what's been happening. I've seen some comments on our newly appointed Sheriff. I'd just like to say that I've known Jay since we we're both kids, and he's one of the finest person's I've had the privilege of knowing. He has always been honest, hard working, great family man and friend, and I don't expect any of that to change with his new position nor do I expect him to be anyone's puppet. I know many here were rooting for Orville, I personally don't know Orville but I have no doubt Orville is very qualified and a damn good person. So the way I look at this is we now have two damn good men working together in our Sheriff's dept. who both have our best interests in mind and between the two of them we should be in pretty good shape. We all know that not everyone is going to be happy with this or that, but let's give them all a chance and let them get settled inn before we pass judgment. Just my personal opinion.


Anonymous said...

No one is saying Mr Tasa isnt a nice guy. In fact many of us think hes to good in a soft way for this we need an experianced LE officer. WE residents have alot at stake. Contracts that Vince and Chad worked hard to get those agencies want somr on they know and can trust not a no name off the streets. Any onr knows LE officers are a close knit bunch, you have to earn their trust and respect not jist walk in and say hey I weighed trucks now im sheriff you can trust me!!!! NOPE DONT WORK THAT WAY!!!! WE dont trust you at this time. Being a friend of Croyman some of us never will. Sheriffs office wont operate smooth with out our support. Tasa better think it over. You voters better think it over. And yes Jay is a hell of a good man where he is but hes not Law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Listen, I really doubt any agency is going to pull a signed contract because we have a new Sheriff, those contracts boil down to money, not personal. An example would be the Marshall's, it comes down to money and convenience not who works there. And why can't a person be a nice guy and be Sheriff? Some on here are going to be surprised at how good of guy we got. Give him sometime to settle inn then stop out and talk to him. I think many of you will be pleasantly surprised.


Anonymous said...

Sorry people get contracts, WE knew and trusted Vince Owen he was a great HP Ward could write contracts and the 2 of them made it work. We trusted them. We work closly with them. Agencies dont want to be where they dont trust the top dog. We worked with Chad at Tribe and of course Vince on the road. No one saying this guy isnt nice. We are saying we dont know or trust him. No you wont lose a contract from our agency because now we wont sign anyway. You evidently dont know LE and how we take care of our own thats been around awhile. And they gave him 10% more to run jail, Planning on him firing Chad???? Looks like, they got their boy from the soungs of yoir local paper.

Anonymous said...

In response to Anonymous on August 8th @ 2:57. If Chad Ward actually told you that the Jail is paying 95% of it’s own way, I think he had better check his numbers. The Jail and Sheriff's Dept. have approximately 20 full time employees with an average salary of $20,000.00 w/out benefits that would be an annual payroll of $400,000.00 per year. I don't think that Mr. Ward is depositing $31,666.66 dollars (95% of $400,000.00) per month with the Auditor, and this amount is only reflective of the full time employee's annual payroll and does not take into account part-time employee's wages, utilities, insurance, food expenses, and maintenance.

I would like to see accurate information about the income of Jail versus expense, not some crazy notion that the Jail is 95% self funded. I would like to hear from Mr. Ward on this matter, because if he made this statement I would like to see it justified.

In response to Anonymous on August 10, @8:45 AM: Let's get out the facts. Vince Owen came to the County Commissioners and tendered his resignation. Mr. Owen of his own accord came to the Commission and turned in his resignation, it was not asked for by the Commission, Mr. Owen further asked if he could receive the $20,000.00 severance package that the Commissioners had offered previously ( formerly known by Mr. Owen as the bribe money) and the Commissioners accepted his resignation.

Vince Owen quit, resigned, left, turned down, failed to fulfill, or whatever term you want to use, his position as Roberts County Sheriff. Why are you 7 or so bloggers so insistent on trying to glorify Vince Owen, he quit it's that simple.

Vince is praised for standing up to the Commissioners: if you consider standing up to them, threatening to do them bodily harm, calling them profane names during meetings, refusing to comply with the same personal policy’s as all other county employee's. The County Commissioners have made many mistakes along the way, but for the people in the community to continue to embrace Vince Owen is just short of crazy.

The County Commissioners were forced to appoint another Sheriff due to the resignation of Vince Owen, and they have chosen Jay Tasa as the new Sheriff. I have read many comments about Mr. Tasa and his qualifications or lack of the same, but I think the one qualification that he has that none of the other candidates had is the fact that he did not work under the Vince Owen administration. Think about it!!! The County Commissioners had to appoint a Sheriff when Gary Gaikowski stepped down; they interviewed several candidates and appointed a highly experienced Vince Owen. What did they get?

1) Threatened to have their bones broke.

2) Called profane names during public meetings.

3) Sexual Harassment suit filed against County.

4) A Labor Department Law Suit filed against County.

5) His failure to comply with the Personal Policies that ALL other County offices adhere to.

6) Operating expenses that exceeded anyone’s wildest imagination.

This is what the County Commissioners received via the appointment of Mr. Owen.

The County Commissioners are now faced wit appointing a new Sheriff and they chose Mr. Tasa and everyone is up in arms wondering WHY? I know Orville, Chris, and Travis all of whom I think are great guys, but come on if you had been a County Commissioner subject to the Vince Owen administration would you have appointed someone from that administration or would you have voted for someone from the outside.

I applaud the County Commissioners for doing what needed to be done!!! I wish Sheriff Tasa all of the best and would hope that all voters of the county do the same!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Funny, this is the answer i expected!!

Anonymous said...

"if you had been a County Commissioner subject to the Vince Owen administration would you have appointed someone from that administration or would you have voted for someone from the outside."

if that is true, why not reopen up the application process and attempt to get applicants with actual LAW ENFORCEMENT experience 'from the outside'.

just trying to follow your logic just appoint whoever (no offense to Tasa) w/o law enforcement experience to be sheriff doesn't seem responsible IMHO...

Anonymous said...

How many of you posters had experience when you started your job? Many of us learned on the job. Jay is a man of integrity and I know he will do a great job as Sheriff..Why don't you get behind him and give him the support that he should have instead of slamming him and looking for the worst to happen.Seems to me too many are already casting "the first stone".

Anonymous said...

Roberts CO is getting sued, it's true. Chad Ward was sending sexual texts to female employees and then fired one of them. It's part of the reason Vince left, besides wanting to take Gary G's job at the tribe.

Anonymous said...

To the above poster that says Tasa can't carry a gun you are WRONG. Both travis and ben and anyone that is hired at the SO can carry a gun but have to get certified with one year of starting, check your facts. So yes anyone (except you Claudia becasue you are a convicted felon) that starts at the Sheriff's office can carry a gun the DAY they start.

Anonymous said...

You are right about time they have to get certified. You are wrong about convited felons not having a gun. If your crimes are not violent you can get a hunting license and gun permitt. You can also work in a LE facility in a jailer. cook,laundry and other ares just not as a Deputy or dispatcher. How do I know because I am a felon and worked in a jail till I retired. Many felons do alot of good things and only people with dirty closets as you and a post on other subjedt have done. I dont know the lady you are slamming but I would take her over any of you that are still hiding your past sins!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your so ovious Claudia! And once again wrong. Come on Chad, were you at? everyone is waiting for your answer and we all know your on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that person is not wrong. Theres a felon working at the RC jail and doing a very good job. Also I hunt and im a convited felon and hold a very good job in the county. Every onr just needs to state their concerns and not get so personal. Any one that goes into an office any where in a small comminity is in the spotlight. I'm sure Mr Tasa can handle it with out people targeting each other.

Anonymous said...

The next time you & your family are getting on an air-plane ask yourself what kind of pilot would you feel safe operating the plane? One who holds a valid commercial pilot's license; is certified in commercial operations; has 2500 hours of supervised 'air-time' experience.
OR would you feel safe w/a pilot who does not have a pilots license & is not certified & has no 'air-time' training hours...and you noticed that pilot is the clerk at the store...but don't worry he's a nice guy; lets just give the clerk a chance; lets support him. Now think about telling the passengers of your findings.

My next questions is...any one (managers/supervisors & law enforcement excluded)if you were asked to be the sheriff what would your answer be? ...common sense would hopefully tell you NO...why? You have no training in that area; your not certified or have any experience in that field & you would be responsible for the safety of 10,000 plus citizens.

I'm sorry but ANYONE who is not certified, licensed or trained in
law enforcement should not accept that position...what does that say about that person.

I definately need to move out of Roberts County...

Anonymous said...

First I would like to say that Vince is NOT after Gary's job. No offense, but tribal council can be just as idiotic as the RCC. Why would he want that again? To the courthouse gang-1. Yes, Vince did tell ex-Commissioner Buck that he would break every bone in his body if any members of his family got harmed (Ask Kenny the real reason the PO was dropped and talk to my dad about this, I know it's a good one). 2.-Vince may have called some of the RCC some profane names, but, I know they deserved a lot worse and I'm pretty sure I've heard a commissioner or two use profane language in a couple of meetings (but don't ask Dawn Sattler, what gets said in the meetings and what gets printed in the paper aren't accurate). 3.-If there is a sexual harrasment suit being filed, that's not Vince's doing and I'm pretty sure he's not a daycare provider (what others do in there time off is there business). 4.-Vince and Chad were both behind the Labor Dept. suit because the auditor didn't want to pay the jailers/dispatchers OT. "It's always been that way" Vince and Chad didn't think that was fair thus, the OT was paid. 5.-The personel policies were followed to how they were written at that time. Vince had to work with what he got. (If your "not smart" some of those big words in the handbook may be a little difficult to understand). 6.-The jail was already put in place before Vince took over. The facility is numerous times bigger than the old jail. By law, juveniles are required to have there own jailer, you need at least 1 jailer for every 12 inmates, at least 1 dispatcher for the numerous cameras, 1 to answer the phone, radios, etc. and on court days, of course, you'll need more staff. DUH! So how is properly staffing and following codes so you don't get shut down, Vince or Chad's fault? I'm not close to Einstein, but, I can figure that one out even before the jail was built.

Brooke Owen

Anonymous said...