Friday, September 4, 2009

RC Budget Baloney

There has been some really thought-provoking comments lately regarding RC budget.

Just exactly what IS the county budget, broken down by department, line by line expenditures beside what was budgeted for that particular item or action? I'm not talking about the budget "fairy tale" published in the local un-newspaper...I am talking about just what really goes on?

RC citizens only know what they are "hand fed" by our Auditor or our CCs or what the Courier is allowed to print. We have no idea what really goes on with our tax money do we?

For instance: There is a cost to RC for training new employees, even if that training is done by present employees. Think about it. When you are showing someone how to do something you are doing yourself, you're doing that task slower with less results and more time spent. Who is paying for that extra time? RC taxpayers, that's who!
And when an RC employee is repairing something that was damaged by stupidity or ignorance, even with no actual charge to the county, the employee who stops what he or she would be doing is being unproductive (on the RC payroll) so factor in that cost as well.

It appears to me that the RC budget is playing "catch-up" with the run-away expenditures rather than an intelligent and honest effort to reign in that excessive and often thoughtless spending.

What do YOU think?


Anonymous said...

No planning ahead, they have ran the county so long(Hull and friends) Now stupidity has got them in trouble and they want taxpayers to bail them out!!! Well we are not into bailouts!!!!! Let them fix there own problems. I was for the opt out untill I found out the lies and stupidity of the 3 now and the past ones that lied to us.

Anonymous said...

bet the county wishes they wouldn't have paid for that paved road to voeltz house now

Anonymous said...

According to the article in the paper the commissioners are now trying to "make nice" by saying two dispatchers are needed at the jail. Wasn't it just a few short months ago they were tring to cut positions at the jail? Namely, Horton, Hull and the third one Navratil.

The article stated that dispatchers have to train for four weeks before even taking a call. That is quite laughable. Is that in the employee handbook? From reliable people I have spoken with, dispatchers do NOT train for that long before they take and dispatch calls. Maybe the reporter and the commissioners would like to try again.

Anonymous said...

I agree with above poster, paper fudged things again as usual because reporters have to have all articles oked by commissioners or Dawn per Harley and we know he and Hull are not going to let the truth get out. Cars Sheriff got were used and he had a grant for them also a grant for equipment to put on them. They did'nt cost the co. a dime as other things at the jail Vince and Chad got grants for. But Hull,Horton and Roger N. sure are not going to give them any credit. Remember they are Native and in Roger N.'s word "You dont know how hard it is to work with those damn Indians!!!!!! So budget is wrong again and don't forget they have the maintence man under the auditor and pay him out of jail fund. Why we ask? Could it be so Dawn Sattlers budget will look better or did they want a rat to spy on the sheriffs office?? From proof of what they ask him about I'd say both. By the way he would'nt do it!!!!! He's a stand up man.

Anonymous said...

Connie: being you have all the answers why don't you run for office, or Claudia are whomever. I'd love to see that! Bunch of dip sticks!

Anonymous said...

The only thing you hear on the street and in the coffee shops that the 3 amingos plan to cut is jail staff!!!! They cant cut and stay up to code. Maybe they want to lose the revinue juviniles bring in, then the Feds will go then SD will shut em down. Why dont they let one in auditors office go??? Why 3?? Take a look at amy thing besides the Sheriffs office and Highway, 2 we really need. I do remember what it costs to house inmates out of county!!! Man cant wait untill election time so we can say goodby to those 3 Idiots. Lie to us about cost of jail now want us to bail them out. I guess not!! VOTE NO ON OPT OUT

dartman said...

I can't stress enough the importance of each and every one of us talking to family,friends and neighbors to get registered and vote in this upcoming election, SEPT. 29, 2009. Our voice needs to be heard and that is apparently the only way the CC hear us.The ad in the Wilmot paper was so small you probably missed it but people have gotten together and put an ad in the Valley Shopper and the Grant Co. Review. Most elections notices are shown with a sample ballot but thinking the CC probably don't really want anyone to know that threr is an important election taking place SEPT. 29.

Anonymous said...

I believe that South Dakota has an open records law - if you really want to see the entire budget, go into the courthouse and ask for it. It is your right to ask.

Anonymous said...

Poor planning, mismanagement, and poor concepts. That would be they way to describe the auditor and the commissioners, in my opinion. Now, the court appointed attorneys' fees are preset,and the states attorney pleads cases out,(to save county money). So how are the costs going up every year, unless the county has raised the amount a court appointed attorney gets reimbursed? Have their been any big jury trials lately? Where are the costs associated with the county court house employees? By the way, the clerk of courts office is not county, it is state.They are not paid by the county. Opt out? Hell no!!!! The auditor better start cutting staff. Public record....Public can see it..... Start looking.....