Sunday, October 11, 2009

CC Real Wages

If RC is broke it might not be all because of the CCs actions, but partly because the CC are "dipping" into county funds by excessive perks, salaries and more.
Figure a base salary per commissioner of $750 per month plus mileage plus insurance at $400 per month per CC. Times that by 5 and then by 12 and you come up with $69,000 PLUS without figuring in "incidentals" such as mileage, meals, paved roads etc. Even if one made a big show of not accepting county insurance, it still comes to over $65,000 PLUS per year.
Shouldn't some of these guys be eligible for Medicare anyway? Do the math. Figuring from 3 hours per week to 10 hours per week that comes out to a very impressive hourly wage doesn't it? Much more than our States Attorney or Sheriff are paid! Are they worth it??
Whatever happened to the days when the CC took on the duties out of a sense of betterment for the county instead of taking all they can get?
Just what is the average RC taxpayer getting for this large expense year after year after year....


Anonymous said...

You have to be kidding!!!! What the H--- do the 3 and the jury is is still out on George do to deserve that kind if money???? And they say they have the countys best interest in mind!!!Hull has been on Medicare for years why does he need insurance?? Thay are making more than our elected officals including the Auditor and Treasuer who have ti decide what bills to pay!!!! And more than our States Att?? I could hardly beleive this post but its trie enery damn dollor!!!! Rise up now voters and let them know how you feel about this absutdity!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

you sound so juvinile you don't deserve an answer. Go back to the sick blog you and yours started. This one is for people who care about their county not for idiots!!!

Anonymous said...
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Rick said...

$750 per month comes out to $187.50 per week. That sounds like a lot for one days work, but how many people would do it for that? If it was a high paying job there would be a lot more names on the ballot. I have seen many years where there was no election because nobody ran against them. Just like the School Board this year. Everyone was critical of the job they do but nobody ran, therefore no election. And there probably won't be many names this next election either.

Anonymous said...

Some countys commissioners did it for nothing when theit countys got into finacial problems. Ask one why, his reply was "How can we expect our employees and elected people to take lees pay or hours if we can't do it ourselves?" Makes a lot of sense as they supposaly do this job because they care about the county! I resect those men and women who did that.

Anonymous said...

They have set the budget now, Wonder if they cut theirs any? Bet the cut every department but theirs!!!!! Someone should find out. I know every county pays their commissioners but none I've talked to are in the money problems Roberts County is. So we can't compare that. Some said if they were in the mess we are money wise they would take a cut along with the employees. "It would only be right" one said. Bet the 3 will never go for that. Publics right to see budget I for one am going to go see it.

Anonymous said...

All Departments were cut with the exception of Highway and they have to meet with union. But no cuts on any of their wages or insurance. Again who ever heard of workong 3 to 10 hrs a week and getting Insurance?????? And 3 of them do so much. NOT!!!!!!!