Sunday, October 11, 2009

CDP Turmoil?

We have news that CDP Hospital Administrator has either resigned or been let go suddenly.
Sounds like it may be a financial decision.
Does anyone have more on this subject?


Anonymous said...

Heard he's going back to Faulkton where he came from. I say good he did nothing for this Hospital besides losing Drs. By keepomg the one who causes the problems. When will they hire some one with some moxy to trow out the trouble makers!!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like he and Dr. Crawford would get along great. I hear she is causing so much trouble at IHS all the DR.s are leaving there also. Pretty bad they let someone like her schizo brain even work with people anyway. Does anyone know does she actually has a disorder? Wont be long i suppose her and Richard will be shipped away for awhile threaten a big lawsuit and POOOF they come back again. Who is actually in charge of these baboons.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Crawford and Richard Huff? There isnt one Hospital that would take either one of those two. Crawford will bury IHS with Huff sitting there taking his orders from her. The real problem is Huff. If we had someone with some courage, Crawford wouldnt be allowed to get away with her BS.Huff is to interested in getting his own family jobs. He has tried 3 or 4 times to sneak in his reletive into good jobs. His reletive is also non-indian, Trina Clevland.