Saturday, October 3, 2009

Now What?

The Opt Out is over and there will be no tax increase in RC. Most of us would probably have supported a genuine need for more county revenue IF our CC had shown us any caution in spending or intelligent budgeting rather than throwing our money around as if there were no end to it.
Now what? Is it possible the CC have learned something from all of this? Is it possible they could actually reduce their rampant spending and "make do" like we have had to do?
Some ideas to perhaps help reduce the budget blues would be:

Change weekly CC meetings to one per month. In order to do this the CC would have to quit their drama and keep their nose out of private matters (which may be hard for them to do). This could be accomplished by requiring permission to bring up issues beforehand so if those issues were not county matters they would not be able to be aired at county meetings. It is called an agenda. If you are not listed on this you would not be able to bring it up...period. Many counties use this as a means to keep meetings on track.

Allocate some duties or tasks the county does now over to the townships or landowners. Mowing or weed spraying comes to mind, but there are certainly more we are sure.

Be aggressive and apply for those grants and federal monies. It could pay off to hire someone to apply for these funding sources that RC is ignoring.

Think about consolidating some county offices with other counties and saving money. Some services could be spread among one or more adjoining counties without too much inconvenience.

Please add your input to some ways to keep the county afloat, ways the county could save money or do away with unneeded expenses etc.

Think about it and let us know what you come up with. Where do we go from here?


Anonymous said...

heard the local cable tv offerd to air cc meetings free and they turn it down

Anonymous said...

we should get them to do it its taxpayers right to know what is going on.

Anonymous said...

This is one issue that most will be in total agrrement with. The City of Sisseton meetings and School Board should also be included in this.

Anonymous said...

So how do we go about getting it done. Suggestions anyone????

Anonymous said...

could someone just ask the RCTV people if they offrd this and if they would do it

Anonymous said...

is there anything going on in this county besides the courthouse and jail?? damn, what happend to school, kids, sports,food, business, ANYTHING else?????

Anonymous said...

We'll need to get Venturecomm on board, not RC tech.

Anonymous said...

I just read the latest county proceedings, and it sounds like Roger N. sure doesn't want anybody listeneing to what goes on in there LOL

Anonymous said...

You got that right!!! Roger N. does"nt understand the concept of its the county residents right to know, its a public meeting for the "good"of the voters!!!! He, Horton and especially Hull (who calls it his meeting )think it is just for them to say and do as they please.

Anonymous said...

You morons who want to know so much about the county meetings need to get off your fat asses and go. Wow you lazy SOB's you want the county to wipe you sweaty asses too. You having the right to be there does not mean it has to be televised. Some of you are just a bunch of donkeys in the county and community and need to leave it alone. Thanks Connie for being so open minded for the county.LOL

Anonymous said...

Well above poster sure doesnt care our county is going down the tubes!!! Wonder which commissioner he's related to. I run my shop and have to work to support my family. It would be nice to have it telivised. And yes Thanks Connie for keeping us informed of whats going on. At least then we can call our commissioner from our district and tell them how we feel.

Anonymous said...

How to save money, Give Sheriff of 5 weeks 5 days vacation!!!! Pay over time for coverage or let it go not covered!!! Wise men they are. Only problem half the commissioners didnt even know about it!!!! Is this Hull,Horton and Roger N.(sheriffs his nefhew you know)deal they gave him to take the job???? Really looking out for county!!!! We want Owen back. He was'nt afraid of work no matter how many hours!!!! He and every Sheriff I talked to say its a 24/7 job. If you have a meeting or have earned your vacation you are ao duty. When you're gone someone thats in the know is in charge, when I called no one knew who was in charge!!! Now we know what Hull was promiseing when he was at Tasa's house for over 2 hrs getting him to take job. A 5 day vacation for evwey 5 weeks worked!!!! Mike

Anonymous said...

Humm Mike, sounds like BS to me. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

i think mike has more of a life then the previous poster does

Anonymous said...

Check it out your self, call dispatch and ask for Sheriff, they will say hes off for 5 days.

Anonymous said...

And who really cares? Do people care if your off for 5 day's? You people sure like to complainn worry bout everyone else, mind your own damn business.

Anonymous said...

Guess you don't give a damn where your tax dollors go!!! Well there is alot of us who do!!! You fir eight in with 3 of the Idiot commissioners!!! If its all so gfrat step up and help out county by putting money ehrtr your mouth is!!!! Mike

Anonymous said...

Mike; First its obvious your un-educated by looking at your comment. Maybe you’re just drunk? But I have NO problem with someone using their vacation. I think your just one of those low life who doesn't get a vacation.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Bud I'm college educated, don't drink and run a very good business. This is the last time I dignify you with an answer. You are retarded, no one gets a vacation after 5 weeks work!!!! You are to dumb. Ask your employer for a 5 day vacation for every 5 weeks you work and see what happens! If you have a job!!!
Thats all I have to say on the subjecy you can not debate with Idiots as they are professtionals at least you got that going for you.

Anonymous said...

Mike: I know of many jobs that offer vacation packages when hiring. This is standard just about everywhere. Vince Owen and Chad Ward also had time off and I've never read any comment on any blog about them. Be honest! This is personal and has nothing to do with taxes $.$$. As far as your business goes, I know stealing money from the Gov and Tribe has been rather easy as of late, but one could hardly call that successful.

Anonymous said...

how many jobs offer a week of vacation in the first month worked? not too many i bet

Anonymous said...

Nothing against Tasa, Its the fools running the county. If he can get it because they are fools and promised him the moon it shows his inyrtest in county safty and the commissioers once again show no brains!!! You are tight no one gets that much yime off after a month. No comp yime its saleried not hourly.

Anonymous said...

Many jobs offer a week of vacation as soon as your hired. Heck many offer 2 weeks. If you worked for the tribe you get as much time as you want. Not to mention you very seldom have to put in an 8 hour work day.

Anonymous said...

Well Roberts County never offered it to any other Sheriff. So was Tasa bought?? Hell Hull hollered cause Vince took 4 days off after a month of no day off!!! If hes not bought with promices is it because one was native and Hull and Roger N. are backing the white one???? Looks like their true selfs are showing and you can bet Hortons in there too!!! Vince did'nt even go to Sheriffs meetings because not enough coverage with out overtime and he was keeping that down in his department. Ask about overtime now!!!! And Hull said Owen was at fault. See if he bitches now!!!! Maybe Tasa needed a mental health leave cause its to much for him. Not that hes not a nice guy but no idea how a Sheriffs office runs. Warrents are meant to be served from other countys not sit on the desk for weeks!!!! We are going to have DCI come in so we can get it done.Not one served sent over from my county since Travis was in charge.

dartman said...

To Mike, the 10-9 poster. Good comments and please ignore the blog invader we have inherited. I have choisen to totally ignore his rude comments and continue to use this blog for an exchange of information and opinions. To solve RC problems you would have to go back 10 or 15 years and start again with CC's who could think for themselves, not racist, but independent, concerned people.This mess isn't going to be solved in a week, month or year. I work, as most do, and can't take off from work every Tuesday to attend CC meetings. How about once a month, Tues. afternoon and lots of us could attend. Just one suggestion.

Anonymous said...
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