Monday, October 12, 2009

UPDATED: To Moderate or Name Names?

In response to the woman who is posting profanity and idiotic comments on this blog:
We have someone tracking you and we have your name and city.
If you continue posting your garbage your full name and city will be posted as well.

Go back to your pitiful blog and stay there. This blog is for discussion, not mindless cussing. You are not wanted here.
In order to keep this blog clean and not deal with the filth that has been posted in comments I have placed this blog on comment moderation for the time being. As soon as this issue is resolved the moderation will be turned off. This is for the good of all even if it is more work.

The ignorant woman with the foul mouth posting the filth here is from NEW EFFINGTON. I am in contact with her ISP and I have given them her full name, and I will post it if she persists.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Administrator. I had decided I was not going to read blog anymore as I was sick of the trash talk. Keep up informing us of whats going on. We can be on opposite sides but we can stay civil. I checked other blog and there is no one commetting on it so those people must have got sick of the cussing and stupid statements also.

Anonymous said...

This is much better then stooping to other blogs level, we all pretty much know who it is up there. We commend you for stepping up and being aware of your readers feelings. Debate is great, both sides are great but name calling and stupidity belong on other one as thats what it was set up for. They can not stand the truth.

Anonymous said...

I spent a few days in your area last week. I must tell you that Roberts County States Attorney Kerry Cameron is a true gentleman. The lady who was there before him, Kay Nikolas, is not human. She incarcerated my nephew for 30 years for a minor infraction. Your tax money is wasted feeding innocent people that are doing jail time for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your commetts Respect. That is why we voted her out and put Cameron in. She railroaded more than 1 person. Kerry is fair and does'nt look at the color of their skin.

Anonymous said...

Iv'e heard administrator of other blog is a neighbor of commissener Roger N. That would explain alot. Some of the postings sound just like he talks up here in the bar.

Anonymous said...
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