Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recent CC Meeting

There was an interesting article in the Courier this week by John Seiber (page B1). It dealt with a recap of the Nov 10 CC meeting.
Amid all the bickering, indecision, name-calling and back-pedaling on previous decisions, there was a notation regarding a vote on a motion to fence off a section line. The vote was tallied with Hull also casting a vote.
It has been our impression that the Chairman only votes to break a tie and this clearly was NOT a tie vote.
Common sense (and South Dakota law) says that section lines are not to be closed if only ONE person objects, and that article stated there were several objections.
It will be even more interesting to see what write-up is published on this same meeting in 2 weeks won't it?


Anonymous said...

commish minets in paper are fairy tales!

Anonymous said...

3 votes one way it said. so even with hull vote it still wasnt tie

Anonymous said...

unless the auditer voted too

Anonymous said...

I was at that meeting it was real hostile .

Anonymous said...

Comparing the November 10 CC meeting by what was printed in the Courier on 11/17 and the official minutes approved by the CC and printed in the same newspaper on 11/24 shows discrepancies on voted issues. The 11/17 article written by John Seiber says that chairman Hull voted on the section line issue while the minutes printed on 11/24 don't reflect Hull's vote at all.
There were other smaller differences, but the voting issue was the only major one.
Makes one wonder what really goes on doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

Just go to some meetings and you will see what a joke they are.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of you should spend more time in the real world and less time worrying about what the RCC is doing or not doing. Sounds to me like a band of people that think they can do the job better but don't have the guts to actually do the job. Seriously, some should go back and read their posts before they save 'em. One is able to check your spelling and punctuation before actually posting a comment. Some of these comments look like they were posted by a bunch of drop outs.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice the section of the RCC minutes when it came to inmate count? The jail is only holding 6 Fed. inmates and 4 juveniles. Plus, it states BIA is not returning Sheriff Tasa's calls. Makes yo wonder what is going on here.