Monday, August 31, 2009

Nepotism in Roberts County??

Did anyone catch the SOTA this week? They have some interesting bits regarding the Opt Out and also one we've been hearing rumors of lately....namely that our new sheriff may be (is) related to one of the commissioners.

Do they call that Nepotism? Or is it Favoritism? Whatever "tism" it is, it is not good.
I would call it a big conflict of interest. Something to be explored further for sure.

Roger N. do you want to address this issue??? Or perhaps Mr. Tasa wants to tell us who his favorite Uncle is???

The story can be found in the SOTA by clicking HERE


Anonymous said...

Interesting!!!!! Would explain alot!!!! Why a person with no law enforcement training behind him would get the job over quailified, Deputys or other applicants. SAD SAD State are Countys in!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting!!!!! Would explain alot!!!! Why a person with no law enforcement training behind him would get the job over quailified, Deputys or other applicants. SAD SAD State are Countys in!!!!!

Anonymous said...

why would anyone in their right mind want the sheriffs job?? It's nothing but never ending drama. We need to contact hollywood. This is unbelievable.Roger should not have been allowed to vote. O that's right the commissioners are all knowing, at least until next November.

Adminstrator said...


dartman said...

Chuck did it again!!! Information that may never have come to light is now public knowledge. Then you add "why would a state employee with 15-20 yrs leave his job to take this"?? How long is it going to take him to get his leave-of-absence approved by the state??Why are the CC paying him a max salary. never offered to Gary (Qualified) or Vince (max-Qualified) and I could go. Secret mettings. etc. Chuck said it better than I ever cold BUT, BUT please get registered to vote, tell ALL your family, friends and neighbors to do the same and if you want higher taxes vote yes. If not, please vote NO!

Anonymous said...

Please post ole sites web, Thank you and please dont you quit posting. You are doing a great service for us!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Other blog is for idiots, Please dont stop, this is a fair site so hang in please

Anonymous said...

The news of the blog being back up and running will be posted on several websites.

Anonymous said...

Simply Google " mysisseton" this is the first blog that'll come up.

Anonymous said...

Don't go to the other blog, it is nothing but drival. The so called administrator is nothing but an idiot. The garbage truck should come and take out the trash on that one! The so called administrator has no concept of grammer or anything intelligent. Can't cure stupid! Any so called administrator who starts a blog to trash a deputy doesn't know the first thing about professionalism. It is nothing but a trash site, no wonder people have no trouble posting. Stick to this site where real issues can be discussed.

I would like to know how many people read the artical in the Courier regarding how the jail is the counties money problem. I notice nothing was mentioned about how much money the jail actually brings in each month and exactly what the auditor and commissioners do with that money. What about the landfill, how much money does that bring in, again nothing mentioned. Maybe the people of this county would like to see the jail shut down, every call dispatched by Watertown, and every prisoner housed at other facilities. Do you think that would cost less money?

Do you think the commissioners, once again, hired substandard contractors? Maybe that would explain all the things that do not work at the jail, or contribute to all the repairs that have to be made. Maybe the commissioners should try buying new vehicles for the sheriff and deputies instead of used ones that have to have repairs right off the bat. Again more county expenditures. Right along with putting money into a vehicle that should have been declared surplus. But of course Horton did that work for no fee, right?

So how far up the auditors butt as well as Hull's is the Deutsch's head? What a worthless rag. Be advised, the only information the Courier and the auditor provide, is what they want you to know, or the spin they want put on it. Apparently they read this blog since they suddenly decided to come up with some figures on how your tax dollrs are spent. Key words being "come up with" and what did they decide to leave out?

Why is this, the only county where commissioners have to meet four times a month? Other counties only have commissioner meetings once a month, unless they find it necessary to call a special meeting. Seems you could cut county expenditures right there.

Anonymous said...

Very true post. Thank you, The jail has deposited $283,000.00 as of Sept. 1st. It goes in general fund also remember they pay a employee that is under the auditor out of jail budget!! Why?? No answer from commissioners or auditor. They wanted a rat but employee refused to rat on sheriffs office. Courior also "forgot" to say Vince Owen had grants for the 2 cars and equipment for them. They were of no expence to county!!! 2 dispatchers are paid out of 911 moneys. 24/7 program which is state pays its own way and for 2 receptionest. Also a program put in place by Owen. You are so right Couriur is very biased. Only prints what Dawn or Hull oks. Quot my subscription long ago. Take Opinion and Sota where I get the facts. And the other blog is ran by stupidity!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you spend $500,000.00 and only deposit $283,000.00 it looks to me like you are in the red $217,000.00

Why would you make such a un-intelligent comment, that can't be supported with the facts.

Anonymous said...

It can be back up. Call Sheriff Tasa or Chad Ward and they will give you numbers. No jails is not in the red, jail is not suppose to make money!!!! Wake up!!! Budget is suppose to be set to cover. Why isnt moneys put in jail fund to pay extras??? Old wise one tell us why it wasnt planned better?????

Anonymous said...

Let's set the record straight on the training of new dispatchers. The only training the county pays for is the training that dispatchers get when they go to Pierre for two weeks. This is their 911 training. Other than that, the new dispatchers are trained by dispatchers who are already working at the jail. They receive no extra compensation for the training of the new dispatcher, and the dispatchers selected to train the new one, are already working their scheduled shift. So exactly what is the extra cost to the county?

If the people of Roberts County think that 911 calls from the southern most part of the county, that are picked up by Watertown, are dispatched by Watertown, that would be incorrect. The calls that are picked up by Watertown are in turn relayed back to the Sheriff's Office in Sisseton for those dispatchers to send on to either a deputy or a highway patrolman. The information has by then gone through at least 3 people and Watertown is not known for giving accurate information, or getting all the information needed. So my understanding would be that the commissioners are paying 911 fees to Watertown so Watertown can then turn around and give those calls back to the dispatchers here. Yep, that makes really good sense.

Anonymous said...

Sheriff is a nefhew to Roger N. commissioner from north district!!!! Tell you anything?????