Wednesday, September 30, 2009


News flash on KELO TV......Roberts County Voters defeated the Opt-Out by 78% NO votes.
Approximately 24% of the voters turned out for this special vote.

You can view the entire news story at KELO TV by clicking the following link:

A special thanks to KELO TV for keeping us informed and a very special thanks to all of you voters who GOT THE JOB DONE!!


Administrator said...

more vote data:
Out of 1544 ballots cast:
1214 were no
330 were yes

Anonymous said...

Thanks for info and staying on top of what the CC's are up to. You are appeciated.

Anonymous said...

Well: Now all the CC have to do is raise our tax's. If we would have voted for the opt out they would have been held to a time limit. Now they can just raise them and leave them. So who really won?

Anonymous said...

They can't raise them with out the opt out. Otherwise taxes are froze!!!!!

Anonymous said...

to the uninformed commenter of 12:24:
opt out means to choose to be out of the current tax freeze. Freeze means taxes can't go higher unless the opt out was voted in.
what else don't you understand?

Anonymous said...

TO the above zero. Let's wait and see!

Anonymous said...

All of you who think that you have some how WON or beat the County Commisioner's, by defeating the Opt Out, should take a minute and think about what you succeeded in doing.

Congratulations; Several county employees are now faced with losing their jobs. This will be really positive for their families and our local economy!

Congratulations; All county residents will have reduced services. The roads will not be plowed on the weekends, or fixed in the summer. God forbid an ambulance needs to get to a rural residence on the weekend after a blizzard.

Congratulations: You have punished all citizens of Roberts County including yourselves in an effort to stick it to the County Commissioners. Makes you wonder who the real idiots are!!

Anonymous said...

Well 78% think above poster is wrong. If a ambulance has to go out a snow plow must go! Period, thats the law! Budget was set yesterday and no one lost their jobs. Talk about zeros, go back to blog you started. And if some were laid off for awhile thats the way it goes, mant of us have had to go thru that. Some offices are top heavy and commissioners have spent foolishly so let them figrue it out. They can only cut so much because there are state laws they have to abide by.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for proving my point about your lack of character!! Someone losing their job should be important to you, but the fact that it isn't makes you who you are!!! You should be ashamed!

78% of 24% is not reflective of all voters!! You win but I hope you are proud of what you have won for the County

Anonymous said...

Has nothing to do with charicter, its called life. Of course I dont want any one to lose their job. But no matter what you say county workers are no more important than regular people and Thank God theres workers in court house that say this. Bottem line none of them lost jobs which is great, budget has been passed. So i'm realistic not living in a fog. So say what you want facts are facts. I for one pay alot of taxes and would be glad to pay more if things were handled better by CC's. And if all of you who ever you are wanted it different why werent you all out voting to put it in. Either people didnt care or they knew there was enough to defeat it. They cant complain if they didnt vote!!! Milo

Anonymous said...

to the person complaining about the opt out passing: im sure the CC would take your money if u want to give it to them.....or are u on their payroll already?

Anonymous said...

I opposed the opt-out I pay alot of property taxes in this county. I didn't vote for any of the Commissioners nor did I suppose the idiots that went around to all the communitys telling them that the Jail would pay for itself. If people like Jim Dady or LeRoy Hellwig are so damn concerned about this County and the shortfall. Take those 330 that voted in favor of opting out divide that by 500,000.00 shortfall and they you go. Increase their taxes by $1550.00 a piece and problem solved. We sured didn't have a shortfall when the Commissioners gave the former Sheriff $20,000.00 in severance pay. I have been paying property taxes for over 20 some years the roads where I live are the last to be plowed out. Thats why I own a 4x4 so I don't have to rely on the county to plow me out. And yes I' am damn happy I opposed this group of commissioners. Maybe if they worked to attract industry to this area we wouldn't be in the mess we're in. Change is coming and it isn't a bunch of ole men living in the past thats for sure. But whiner that supported the rise in property taxes get in line behind Jim D or LeRoy H and lay that 1550.00 down and shutup........

Anonymous said...

To 7:42 poster, truer words were never spoken!!! Great post !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Again just what I expected, you want someone else to pay your fair share, and problem solved!!! Again a character issue!

Anonymous said...

So true! Thanks Claudia Boahlman, Bob Brown, Connie Piotter and the very few others that always that always seem to be at the center of trouble in our county. Hopefully it'll be one of you people that need an ambulence during the winter months, and hopefully they won't be able to reach any of you to give you the care you don't deserve! Somehow I'm sure you people think you are the sole reason this opt out failed. You couldn't be more wrong. You people are the poison that's ruined Roberts Co for many! Hope your proud of yourselves!

Anonymous said...

Above post is to dumb to answer!! But the 3 people he mentioned sign their names. Bob and Claudia always sign theira in gere or in paper. Some of uo at coury house and all over the county appeciate them. Again there wasnt many of you. Sign your name big mouth. Mike

Anonymous said...

Sry for misspelled words, i'm typing in a moving vehicle. Mike

Anonymous said...

(quote) "Somehow I'm sure you people think you are the sole reason this opt out failed. You couldn't be more wrong."

So tell us just WHY this opt out failed would you? If it wasn't the "troublemakers" is it possible it was because of the many many fed up taxpayers? or maybe because of the stupid commish?

Anonymous said...

Good questions. Please tell us where were all of you that wanted it in election day???? Are you such good friends of the CC's or there fanily you just thought it would be just cause CC's said??? do you not realize the big percentage of us are fed up with the all CC's BS and we ARE not taking it any more!!!

Anonymous said...

Who was the Idiot saying 3 people in the county dont deserve medical help if needed? Has to be one of the bunch(Helwig,Hull,Horton,Roger N.)or their flunkys. Everyone deserves it. Many of us have blades on our pickups and we will help anyone including you fools if you needed out!!! Thats called the GOLDEN RULE.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me where I can find the law referred to by poster 0927 10/1/2009

Anonymous said...

you can look it up in the south dakota codified laws

Anonymous said...

The poster seems to know the law, why don't they give us the code?

Anonymous said...

you can look up the law yourself. you only want it to trash the poster anyway.stay on the blog you started and keep your trahsing therr

Anonymous said...

Funny, Could it be because there is no such law? I think so!

Anonymous said...

I'm just guessing here, but I believe that the poster was referring to the state laws on co-facilities. They are required to have a male and female detention officer on staff in addition to the dispatcher.