Monday, September 21, 2009

SOTA Says It All

Chuck has a very good editorial in this week's SOTA. You can access it by clicking HERE There are also some very thought provoking letters to the Editor in this weeks issue as well.

Seems it all goes back to our sorry bunch of CCs. Everything that has been plaguing RC for years now has its' roots with the CCs. Everything they do, everything they say will haunt the RC citizens for a long, long time.

We are sure there will be yet another sob story printed in what passes for the local newspaper this week, begging the voters to pass the Opt Out issue. Wonder if the opposite view would garner front page week after week? Of course not! Censureship is alive and well in RC.

Just remember when you go to vote on this important issue next week: These same CCs asking for more of your hard earned money to "balance the budget" are the very same who squandered your tax dollars for wasteful spending, ill-thought out expenditures, corruption throughout to say nothing about personal gains. These CCs have proven they cannot manage our tax dollars....don't give them more!!


dartman said...

Yes, Chuck's editorial in the SOTA is just typical of his un-biased reporting of the facts.Another GREAT JOB !! I can only hope all voters consider these facts and get out and vote.They are complaining about costs of fuel, etc. and chosing to ignore that if you take the unwanted jail issue out of this things would be entirely differnt.Two previous and three current CC's and the previous sheriff got us into this mess and I don't feel it is my responsibility to bail them out with more of my tax dollars. Without a court-ordered audit to compare things like the cost of food service to the current contacred cost we, the tax payers, will never know just how stupid their decions have been. We have elected two new CC and they are trying desperaterly to do a good job now lets get rid of the other garbage and give them a message with a big NO on the "opt out" and tell them "goodbye" in the next election.

Anonymous said...

Very well said Dartman!!!!! I concur with everything you said!!!!

Anonymous said...

Funniest thing ever said on the internet? That Chuck Floral is an un-biased reporter! Rememeber people, we're talking the "Sota" here, not the New York Times. If Floral was any kind of reporter he wouldn't be working for the Sota. Truth be told, if he doesn't tow the line and take a anti white approach, his replacement will. Imagine Floral admitting that Chad or Vince made a mistake and Floral sided with the CC, he'd be fired the following day.

Anonymous said...

To the above poster Dream on. Of course every paper has there own opinion thats why they are called Editorials!!!!!! Get with the program. The New York Times has their biases too. I'm sure Vince and Chad made a mistake or 2, no ones perfect. But they put that jail on the map. Wait till Tribe gets their jail and watch inmates dissappear from Roberts Co.jail. Porky

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like reading the tribal paper to see who's saying what about whom. It's shocking some of the stories and letters that are put to print in that paper. It's more of a gossip newspaper for locals. It's totally lacking any serious reporting or facts but is fun to read. Sorry Chuck! But even most white people on the rez haven’t heard of the Sota.

Anonymous said...

Just remember the Enquirer gets more readers than the New York Times!!!!! Keep up the great work Chuck!!!!!

Anonymous said...

""Just remember the Enquirer gets more readers than the New York Times!!!!! Keep up the great work Chuck!!!!!

September 24, 2009 11:02 AM""

My point exactly. The Enquirer has more readership but is known for gossip and false reporting. 99% of it is for entertanment value, much like the tribal paper. If a person wants news and fact your more likely to read the New York Times than the Enquirer.

Anonymous said...

Not true!! Enquirer has been first on big stories that are proven to be true. Just like the Sota. What they say about the county commiss is true, go to meetings and you will find out what idiotic things they say!!! I have went to a few and they are a joke as far as doing what is best for the co. Oh by the way I am white and think those 3 commiss are a disgrace to the co.

Anonymous said...

Sorry who ever there are a large no. of us White People that read the Sota on the Rez and don't the local rag(cause you talk about onesided) so don't be speaking for us!!!!! Thank you

Anonymous said...

White people use Sota when out of toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

We are not racest like you, we do read it!!!!! We do enjot it and we are WHITE!!! Stay up North fool and go on other blog thats where the other idiots are.

Anonymous said...

Say what you want but this indian property taxpayer voted "no" on the opting out issue. Guess what? My property taxes don't go up, because I exercised my right to vote. Bobby Horton your term is coming up and guess what you, Frank, and Glen Hull are gone.......I love elections.. and I love to vote. Whine and bitch and bitch and whine but this indian veteran is smiling tonite........... Let the 3 amigo's clean the poo off their behinds they made it........ not me.