Monday, September 28, 2009


Just a reminder that each and every one of you is important and that you VOTE tomorrow on the Opt Out issue.
Make sure you go to your local polling place and cast your ballot. Give your neighbor a ride to make sure they vote as well. Call your neighbor and ask that they give you a ride to vote if needed. I believe polls open at 7 am so do it early and be done.
Just please VOTE!! Roberts County voters must make a statement and let those CC know that we are fed up with their mismanagement of all things county!!



Anonymous said...

I agree, please get out and vote. They want us to pay for them not planning well for jail. Either way its a lose/lose for the voters. Vote yes ,its our money paying their mistakes. vote no and we lose services because of their stupidity. Well the lesser of the 2 evils was voting no and thats what I did. They can only cut so much before they get in major trouble with the state. Its like when they said they would cut jailer and dispatchers hrs. Now how do you do that and have a 24/7 operation? They wouls have to hire more people to cover the other hrs. Now that is intelligent thinking on the part of the CC as usual!!!!! You cant send the inmates home and tell them to return on Monday when they open again. this statment by one of them is at the top of the list for Idiot of the year!!!!

dartman said...

Yes, I just came from voting and I voted "NO". Agree with the other poster on everything said. The CC's created this mess so let them figure out how to solve it. Kay is still on payroll and I suspect some judges may be also. We tried to tell them what operating expenses of the jail would be but they chose not to listen and NOW want me to bail them out. only hope this is not another "PHONY" election. We have had one and this was one too many.

Anonymous said...

has anyone heard how the voting turned out? I hear the polls were pretty busy all day

Anonymous said...

Went "NO" bigtime

dartman said...

This is one election they can't rig. Maybe start the cuts by dropping Kay like a hot rock. Might be a good start. Then reduce the number of CC neetings, number of paid mileage for CC's and I could go on.
We, the voters have spoken loud and clear. CLEAN UP YOUR ACT !!!

Anonymous said...

Dartman what was the results of the vote on opting out of property taxes. I voted no, let the cc fix the problem they made it. In the dark halls of the Roberts County Court house I want to see Glenn, Frank, and Bobby looking deep in thought, hmmm, yea, hmmm, geez, darn, did you vote, yea, did you vote, yea. hmmm, yea, hmmm, geez, darn. I know lets ask Dawn to throw the election!

Anonymous said...

Laughs, I want to apology to all the Franks out their. I mean't Bobby, Roger N., and Glenn H., laughs but Roger reminds me of a Frank, I think a ballpark that.

Anonymous said...

Ok David Redthunder!!! Maybe someone should be investigating you for funds missing. You remind me of an very poor excuse for a person.

Anonymous said...

Laughs I am scared don't shoot my dogs... again ... I may shoot back..

the real David Redthunder

may I call you chicken shit.. sign your name

Anonymous said...

Laughs, Can you tell us where all the moneys have gone Mr. Redthunder? Maybe after an FBI investigation we'll all have a better idea of who the real David Redthunder is. A phony!