Friday, September 25, 2009

Where Did Your Taxes Go?

**a take on last week's headlines**

Last week's local paper had the headline: "Where Do Your Taxes Go?" Most of us just want to know what we got from those taxes.....just where DID our taxes go?

We got: 3 Commissioners who think they are almighty, a jail we cannot afford and did not want but we got it anyway (thanks to the CC), an awful LOT of Sheriffs, a short-lived investigator for the States Attorneys office under Kay, Kay still on the county payroll, an Auditor who did not file any audits for several years. What else? Oh yes! We got to pay for a paved road exclusively for ex-commissioner Voeltz. Aren't we lucky to get all that??

No matter if you think you want to pay more taxes or you are tired of paying and paying and paying.....please make sure you are registered and then make sure you get out and vote on Tuesday.

We probably got much more from paying taxes. Who can think of more things we got from those taxes????


Anonymous said...

we get a lot of media attention

Anonymous said...

this dumb

Anonymous said...

we got lots of lawsuits and more to come probly

Anonymous said...

What are the lawsuits pretaining to? Would be interesting to hear where commissioners are messing up!!!

Anonymous said...

not all lawsuits are countys but a lot of cc desisions lead to lawsuits

dartman said...

Tomorrow is a day we must get out and vote. We need a very large percentage of the registered voters to express their thoughts on this opt-out issue and to give the RC CC's a message, one way or the other. Right or wrong, their decisions have created a deeply divided county, racism rearing its ugly head again, and creating only situations that will take years to heal. I urge all to vote, haul their neighbors, get the guys out of the fields, whatever. VOTE !!

dartman said...

Tomorrow is a day we must get out and vote. We need a very large percentage of the registered voters to express their thoughts on this opt-out issue and to give the RC CC's a message, one way or the other. Right or wrong, their decisions have created a deeply divided county, racism rearing its ugly head again, and creating only situations that will take years to heal. I urge all to vote, haul their neighbors, get the guys out of the fields, whatever. VOTE !!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you registered to vote this time around Dartman. And racism? my god! is that all you people can come up with?

Anonymous said...

If not Racism what is the top problem with the CC's?? Attend a few meetings anf you will see. Oh yes I know one that sticks out more in meetings, Stupidity!!!!! Mike

Anonymous said...

Taxes are going to pay wmployees that are out drinking with their boss that just resigned. Woops hes not theit boss. One always works it so she gets week ends off the other calls in sick so she can go to party last Friday nite. Jaol Administrator must pack some wallop that he can over ride the head dispatcher and have his little butt k----- report to him. Any one else would be fired. New Sheriff needs to be made aware of these actions. I will have a talk with him next time I go up. Jail gets a bad enough rap with out some staff acing like sick teenyboppers!!!

dartman said...

To answer the 9-29 poster who questioned my registering to vote, YES I am a registered , senior citizen,property owner and taxpayer and voted "NO".Are you a tax payer? Do you own RC property? For some reason or another I dobt it. Why should I help the CC's with their so very stupid decisions. And racism IS a very big part of the problem. How many Native Americans work in the court house? How many NA are on any county board? I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

You people all seem to have the answers. Why don't you run for County Commissioner, and fix all of the problems that you so eagerly point out. Then you would see what its like to have a bunch of on lookers with all the answers critique your every move.

The CC have made some mistakes and you can hardly wait to point them out, but you show no character when you fail to recognize the positive things they do!!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't encourage idiots like Bob, Connie, or Claudia to run for CC because they are bitter complainers that offer no real answers to the real problems of our county.

I want answers to our problems not just a group of complainers who spend all of their time hiding behind a computer. You gain credibility by solving problems, not by creating them.

If you want to be a part of the solution to the counties problems get out from behind the computer and attend the meetings.

If you are not part of the solution then don't be part of the problem!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bob to answer your question about no natives working at the court house. Why would they work for $5.15 an hour when they can work for the tribe for $10. an hour.

Anonymous said...

The issue isn't the pay its the simple fact that they would be fired. Of course all the old white people would be whining about a indian working in the courthouse expending our tax dollars on a indian, really wasn't that the issue with the Sheriff and the Jailer. Indians don't pay taxes, which is so much b.s. But I like that ideal cuz I have paid alot of property taxes and state and federal taxes over a 30 year period. So just send me my tax refund cuz I am indian.....laughs

Whoever heard indians paying property taxes and voting in state elections..whats this world coming too.

Anonymous said...

The issue isn't the pay its the simple fact that they would be fired. Of course all the old white people would be whining about a indian working in the courthouse expending our tax dollars on a indian, really wasn't that the issue with the Sheriff and the Jailer. Indians don't pay taxes, which is so much b.s. But I like that ideal cuz I have paid alot of property taxes and state and federal taxes over a 30 year period. So just send me my tax refund cuz I am indian.....laughs

Whoever heard indians paying property taxes and voting in state elections..whats this world coming too.

The reason you'd be fired is called work ethic. You can't expect your employer to allow you to leave work 10 mins early everyday and work a half of day every Friday. Are if it snows an inch of snow call in and say you can't make it to work. I've worked for the tribe for many years and I've heard nothing but excuses why people can't work. Look at our clinic, We had not one but two very good Doctors. Then a tribal member doesn't like to be told she has to do her job and she runs straight to council and get's the council to harrass these two Doctors and they leave and she get the job. Now our Clinic is being run into the ground and us Indian people wonder why the whites laugh at us? Also, Whites can't vote in tribal elections and we should not vote in theres. We always want to be our own nation, maybe when we start acting like it we can do it. We give the white person the ammo to put into their guns and use against us. We let people like Claudia B act as our spokesperson when all she does is use us and shame us. She doesn't care anymore bout us than we care about her. Just my thoughts

Anonymous said...

my county isn't bad, we are just printed that way.