Friday, February 27, 2009

Roberts County Will Get Stimulus Check

The Watertown Public Opinion had a very good article in today's newspaper with a breakdown of who gets what of the
much-talked about stimulus money. The link to the newspaper is below:

Roberts county will get a check of $155,185.00

The commissioners will have one year to obligate that money towards specific projects, which they will choose. We would hope they choose wisely.

We certainly hope this goes towards road/bridge repairs and not towards paving some little used road that goes to a commissioner's home, as was done in the past.

The way this money was allocated was not good for the smaller communities. Those cities with populations of under 5,000 will not get anything from this stimulus package....nothing at all. That is a pity since South Dakota is a very rural state, with the majority of our communities having less than 5,000 people.

We would like to thank the good people of the Watertown Opinion for their coverage of our state and our communities. We depend on you for news and you do not disappoint.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Incident At County Jail

There has been mention of an incident at the new county jail where a prisoner managed to damage an overhead sprinkler to the extent that it allowed water to get into the booking area. You will find this story on KSFY TV website for one.
Cameron was quoted as saying he had been told a prisoner threw a shoe and another, unnamed source was quoted as saying the prisoner had used their hands to do the damage.
Commissioner Hull was overheard to have said that he knew this would happen, that he didn't want that type sprinkler system installed in the first place....never mind that this breakaway system was designed especially for jails and recommended by Pierre.
My questions would be: Why did the prisoner have access to shoes in a cell and just who is this anonymous, unnamed "source"?

Saturday, February 14, 2009


We are hearing rumors about a fatality at the Viking Motel. Supposedly there was a fight with several people involved and someone was killed. We heard it happened a few days ago.

Does anybody know more? Is there truth to this?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

CC Power Play

For those who don't read the local newspaper, there is a small item in the latest CC report regarding the power struggle between the CCs and the Sheriff over the jail maintenance man.
The "new guys" voted to place him where he belongs, under the direct supervision of our Sheriff, while the "old school" voted to keep him under Dawn's supervision aka commissioners. Guess what? Hull cast the tie-breaking vote to keep this guy under Dawn's thumb. It probably would not even have gotten voted on except that George (seconded by Zempel) made a motion to right a wrong.
It would seem that Roberts County is "business as usual" with the county commissioners. Nothing has been changed with a majority being made up of the same old gang.
We need to think about upcoming elections, who will replace those 3 and maybe revive that recall petition that was discussed earlier.....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where Is The News In Newspaper?

There was an interesting letter to the editor in this week's Courier concerning the lack of news reporting. It seems the city liquor store was robbed a few months ago and nothing was printed about it.
That is pretty normal for our local newspaper. One would think since the courthouse is only across the street from the newspaper offices that readers would get news articles that are current, newsworthy and unbiased. Not so.
We figure that the Courier is forced to keep all current news off the printed pages to make sure there is enough room to print all of that useless gossip news. Do people actually read that stuff? Most newspapers quit that archaic printing about the time the telephone was invented didn't they?
There was an obscure mention buried in the city minutes regarding purchasing a better alarm system for the liquor store awhile back, but nothing about why the city needed it.....
The letter brought up some good points. Is news of this being kept quiet because the robbers are related to someone or was this not printed because the police don't want their records to show an unsolved case? Could it be that our "free press" is dependent on someone other than the editor to authorize what gets printed and what does not?