Sunday, March 29, 2009

Is BIG BROTHER Watching You??

We hear that one of our CCs is attempting to dig up dirt where none exists. It is well known that Horton has been going around to other counties Sheriff departments trying to get comparisons as to costs and/or operating procedures to RCs (and we all know you cannot compare apples to oranges don't we). All he has accomplished so far is to make Roberts County the laughingstock of the entire region.

So now he has branched out.

He was seen sitting at the landfill recently watching activities. Finding nothing worthwhile there he proceeded to watch the 24/7 program at the jail.....which is a state program with no county monies involved. Frustrated with that activity he sat and watched the dispatcher's office all night.

Who will be next? What are the CCs looking for? Could the CC be thinking of cutting our Sheriff's staff when it is already down below the bare minimum already? Is Horton drawing overtime/night shift wages for his nocturnal detective shifts? We will be watching closely to see who the CC throw mud at next and how much of it actually sticks and how much splashes back at them.......we do know that both Zempel and George do not support these underhanded activities. We also know how to rid our county of those CCs who actually encourage this sick behavior don't we?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jail Revenue & More Questions

Jail Revenue to County:

$44,767 to general county fund from different agencies, work release, telephone cards

$14,281 to general county fund from grant written by Chad and Vince

$28,458 amount county saved by not sending juveniles to other facilities

That is a lot of money to be given back to county funds. Especially when you never hear the CC say anything about it. All you hear them talk about is how broke the county is? Where are the county records? They are considered public now so should be truly public....where are they ? And what do those records say?

More Questions.....

Dept of Labor ordered county to pay overdue overtime hours to dispatchers, jailers & deputies. County wrote checks with no hours or amounts paid. Could this be because county sent a different set of figures to the state than what was supposed to be repaid? Why were employees made to sign forms that were supposed to be for correct names and addresses but were really releases for county so no further action would be taken against county for unpaid hours? Why didn't Auditor inform those signers of what they were signing? Why did Auditors office only allow the employees to see the line to sign, nothing more? Does the Auditor or CC really think this will fly? Do they realize how easily it will be to check the true figures and see who is really telling the truth and who is not?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Accident Input?

We've heard about a bad accident a little north of the Alco corner near Sisseton this morning. Supposedly 4 teenagers hit a bridge abutment over the creek there at a high rate of speed.

Does anyone know more about this? Please share.

Our thoughts are with the families involved and hoping for the best.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Open Meetings or Business As Usual?

It seems our commissioners are taking more and more of our public county meetings into "executive session". Where does it stop?
Just what does constitute "public right to know"?

Our CC chairman was very public with saying the commissioners were discussing public business in executive session.
Who makes the call and how do we know it is legitimate?

Maybe it is time that the citizens of the county protest this behavior by complaining to the state? Maybe it is long past time that our commissioner meetings are
broadcast on local television so more of us can see just what does go on in those meetings? We certainly cannot read about them in our local newspaper as
we all know that what is printed is a far cry from what really happened don't we?

After all, our commissioners should have nothing to hide should they?