Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Croymans did what??

We have heard the following from a very reliable source and don't doubt it is true:

Seems our Sisseton Chief Of Police aka Jim Croymans was called to Taco Johns on Saturday night to apprehend an armed suspect and got so flustered that he got out of his car, ran back into his car and proceeded to back his car into another city police vehicle!!

The damaged city vehicles were taken to Brooks for repairs. Anybody want to bet that little "incident" gets reported differently in the Courier if it even makes it there?

Remember this is the guy that our CC wanted to put in for Sheriff. He is the same one who shot holes in the front door of our hospital while on "skunk patrol" earlier this year as well.

Need we say more??

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Sota" Editorial

The Sota has a very good editorial dealing with the crooked commissioners and our Sheriff. Be sure to check it out!


Chuck brings up some very good points and asks some direct questions that we'd all like to know answers for.
Keep up the good work Chuck!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Race Relations - Can We Live Together?

It appears like we need to address issues concerning the Natives and the Whites again. Just when it seems we might have gotten past all the ugliness and are beginning to come together as Americans, race rears its' ugly head again.

Why can't we forget our differences and work together for the good of our community, our children, our futures? Why can't we all think of this as "our county", "our Sisseton" rather than the same old "us" vs "them"?

Try to think of us each as simply "Americans" with no adjective in front of that word, it might just work. We all pretty much drive on the same roads, drink the same water don't we? Let what is past go. We cannot change the past, but we can let go of it.

If all of us turn to face the future and work to improve our way of life here, we may just happen to forget our differences and focus on our common goals.

Together we CAN do this. Each and every one of us can make this happen if we let it. How about giving this a try? To begin with, I believe our present government (aka CC/SA) is the one biggest hurdle we need to overcome in order to begin a future free of racism and hate.

We must get the current commissioners and states attorney etc voted out-of-office on November 4th!! Every single vote counts so please make your voices heard and make the effort to go to the polls and get them OUT!! Once we achieve unseating the present government officials who would keep hatred, lies and racism stirred up, only then will we have a chance to reclaim our dignity.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Presidential Ballot plus measures added

I've heard from quite a number of you wanting MORE polls so have added one for President and the various amendments etc.

Please take a little time to vote on each and we will see just how close we come when elections are over and done!

More Election Polls Added. Please VOTE!

We have added more polls so you can make your voice heard.  Only major parties are listed and only the candidates in our area at this time.  If you let me know that you want more "politics" we will add the National elections and also the Constitutional Amendments & Initiated Measures as well.

Thanks for taking the time to MAKE YOUR CHOICE.  Please remember to vote on November 4th.  

Also please know that you may also vote "Absentee" any time you wish, just go into the Roberts County Courthouse and to the Auditor's office and request an absentee ballot.  You may also mail your request to the Auditor and vote in the privacy of your own home as long as it gets returned before Nov 6th.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Polls Added For County Commissioner Race-Please Vote!!

2 new polls have been added for you to "cast your ballot" on both the District 2 and District 4 County Commissioner races.  Please take the time to vote!

There are only 20 days left until Election Day.  Remember to vote as we need a change!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Overheard Inside The Commissioner Meeting:

At the last commissioners meeting Horton asked Kay Nickolas why the Judge was putting people in jail and costing county money instead of fining them.  Kay said sometimes they have to sit their fines out.  Horton had a fit, said it cost county money to have them in jail.  Hull jumped in and said he learned over the years you don't tell the Judge anything.  Well, duh!

Now may I ask, what is a jail for if not to house prisoners?  Seems like our CC would rather make a profit from fining criminals and letting them loose so they can fine them again....after they commit another crime of course.

And you thought Roberts County was already dangerous after dark??

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

RC Jail IS Making Money!

It has been brought to our attention that in the first 4 months of operation the RC Sheriff's office has contributed more than $59,000, after expenses and salaries were paid.  At that rate the Jail will contribute more than $177, 654.00 a year.  However, since  Sheriff Vince Owen is working on more contracts and more incoming funds, the amount sent to Roberts County should be much more than $177 K per year.  
This was accomplished by  housing prisoners here rather than paying for them to stay in another county and also selling phone cards.  When RC jail begins housing non-county prisoners these figures will shoot up dramatically.
Our CC would have you believe their lies and will try to tell you that the jail, under present authority aka Owen & Ward, is not making any money but rather taking from the county.  
These are the figures folks.  They are from a good source and I have no reason to doubt they are true.  I will leave it for you to decide who is not telling the truth here and who is.

Monday, October 6, 2008

What? Another County Jail!!?

Saw this in the current Sota newspaper today:

The United States Department Of Justice has announced a grant of $500,000 for an upgrade/expansion of the Tribal court/detention center at Old Agency.

Isn't this ridiculous?  Why spend for duplicate jails in the same county?  Why did the RC Commissioners give the "go-ahead" on the new jail instead of working with the Oyate and pooling funds for a community facility that would not only have saved Mega Bucks, but quite probably have brought unification and better understanding as well as uniting the citizens of this county?

What were they thinking?  Or perhaps we should instead ask:  "were they thinking at all"?
What do they have to say about this?  How on earth can they possibly justify this huge expenditure other than to cry about how broke the county is at this time?  And just how did Roberts County become broke, please tell us??  Shame on you CC!!