Friday, October 23, 2009


What do you know. I remove moderation and someone anonymously posts more hate.
I have deleted the comment naming the hate poster. I will ask that you not throw mud as it usually sticks to both parties. At the very least sign your name to your post and be accountable.
We have investigators working on the person spewing the hate and lies and they assure me they are closing in on the party. When they identify the person to my satisfaction the comments will reappear.
Of course moderation is once again in effect here.

Monday, October 12, 2009

UPDATED: To Moderate or Name Names?

In response to the woman who is posting profanity and idiotic comments on this blog:
We have someone tracking you and we have your name and city.
If you continue posting your garbage your full name and city will be posted as well.

Go back to your pitiful blog and stay there. This blog is for discussion, not mindless cussing. You are not wanted here.
In order to keep this blog clean and not deal with the filth that has been posted in comments I have placed this blog on comment moderation for the time being. As soon as this issue is resolved the moderation will be turned off. This is for the good of all even if it is more work.

The ignorant woman with the foul mouth posting the filth here is from NEW EFFINGTON. I am in contact with her ISP and I have given them her full name, and I will post it if she persists.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

CDP Turmoil?

We have news that CDP Hospital Administrator has either resigned or been let go suddenly.
Sounds like it may be a financial decision.
Does anyone have more on this subject?

RC Sheriff on Vacation?

We hear that our new sheriff is on vacation. Tasa has been on-the-job now for how long? 5 weeks?
This is the first job we heard of that gives a day of vacation for every week worked beginning from the start.
We don't recall seeing that in the job description so it must have come along with the CC promises made to recruit that particular person for that particular job?

CC Real Wages

If RC is broke it might not be all because of the CCs actions, but partly because the CC are "dipping" into county funds by excessive perks, salaries and more.
Figure a base salary per commissioner of $750 per month plus mileage plus insurance at $400 per month per CC. Times that by 5 and then by 12 and you come up with $69,000 PLUS without figuring in "incidentals" such as mileage, meals, paved roads etc. Even if one made a big show of not accepting county insurance, it still comes to over $65,000 PLUS per year.
Shouldn't some of these guys be eligible for Medicare anyway? Do the math. Figuring from 3 hours per week to 10 hours per week that comes out to a very impressive hourly wage doesn't it? Much more than our States Attorney or Sheriff are paid! Are they worth it??
Whatever happened to the days when the CC took on the duties out of a sense of betterment for the county instead of taking all they can get?
Just what is the average RC taxpayer getting for this large expense year after year after year....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Now What?

The Opt Out is over and there will be no tax increase in RC. Most of us would probably have supported a genuine need for more county revenue IF our CC had shown us any caution in spending or intelligent budgeting rather than throwing our money around as if there were no end to it.
Now what? Is it possible the CC have learned something from all of this? Is it possible they could actually reduce their rampant spending and "make do" like we have had to do?
Some ideas to perhaps help reduce the budget blues would be:

Change weekly CC meetings to one per month. In order to do this the CC would have to quit their drama and keep their nose out of private matters (which may be hard for them to do). This could be accomplished by requiring permission to bring up issues beforehand so if those issues were not county matters they would not be able to be aired at county meetings. It is called an agenda. If you are not listed on this you would not be able to bring it up...period. Many counties use this as a means to keep meetings on track.

Allocate some duties or tasks the county does now over to the townships or landowners. Mowing or weed spraying comes to mind, but there are certainly more we are sure.

Be aggressive and apply for those grants and federal monies. It could pay off to hire someone to apply for these funding sources that RC is ignoring.

Think about consolidating some county offices with other counties and saving money. Some services could be spread among one or more adjoining counties without too much inconvenience.

Please add your input to some ways to keep the county afloat, ways the county could save money or do away with unneeded expenses etc.

Think about it and let us know what you come up with. Where do we go from here?