Monday, August 31, 2009

Nepotism in Roberts County??

Did anyone catch the SOTA this week? They have some interesting bits regarding the Opt Out and also one we've been hearing rumors of lately....namely that our new sheriff may be (is) related to one of the commissioners.

Do they call that Nepotism? Or is it Favoritism? Whatever "tism" it is, it is not good.
I would call it a big conflict of interest. Something to be explored further for sure.

Roger N. do you want to address this issue??? Or perhaps Mr. Tasa wants to tell us who his favorite Uncle is???

The story can be found in the SOTA by clicking HERE

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Open Meetings?

It appears that our RC commissioners have been caught "red-handed" participating in illegal closed meetings. An article in yesterday's Watertown Public Opinion can be read by clicking HERE

And that is just one time they got caught.......

Thanks to the Public Opinion for keeping us informed.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More Opt-Out

It appears that the people have spoken and there will be a special vote next month concerning the proposed Opt Out plan "hatched" by our CCs.
Some of you may have read the interview printed in area newspapers where a certain commissioner was quoted as saying that Roberts County had never opted out before. What was not said in that interview is that RC has tried this before and failed.
Several years ago the CC wanted to opt out and it was defeated soundly in a petition.

Why would our CC want to purposely mislead the voters? Why wouldn't our CC rather try to trim their budget, much as we, the taxpayers, are trying to trim our budgets? Are the CC trying to hide their records? Do they have any records?

Questions we would like to see answered. Rest assured though there might only be hand-written minutes (easily altered and embellished) memories are what the CC cannot take away from us. And we DO recall a prior opt out attempt by the RC CC.
Questions? Lots of them. Now we need some answers!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Opt Out Petitions

The Opt Out petitions garnered more than enough signatures to force the issue of raising taxes to a vote. This should be voted upon in September. Thank you to all those who worked so hard to make this happen.

Now of course it is up to you, the voters. Make sure you vote and make sure you tell everyone you know to do the same. Of course if you should want higher taxes you would vote for it, but if you want to hang on to your money a little longer at least now you have a choice and can vote against it.

CHOICE. That is something the CC would like to take completely away from us. Are we going to allow them to do that??


I think it is long past time for everyone to act like adults here. I have stopped the ignorant juvenile from posting for now.
Maybe they will go out and get a life?

Don't lose focus or tempers please. We can discuss without cussing can't we? Now take a deep breath and start over.

Thank you.

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Sheriff Named

A new Sheriff has been appointed we hear. Let's all give Jay Tasa a welcome & a chance to show what he's got. We hope he can get in the saddle quickly as this county needs all the help and leadership it can get. We would like to hear from you Jay.
It isn't his fault that RC is saddled with a bunch of inept power hungry ignorant CC's who think the CC title is rightfully theirs forever. Well at least 3 out of 5 think so.
We know that you read this blog Hull. Why don't you explain how you came to this decision? What made Mr. Tasa get the position over the other applicants? Just what "qualifications" did he have that those others were lacking?
It looks like there is a little over a year for Mr. Tasa to "prove" himself and some of you CCs will be facing elections soon won't you. You have already "proved" yourselves and the voters are ready to VOTE.
It was good to hear from Orville Folk also. Thanks for all you have done for RC Orville. It sounds like you would have been a
good choice, but we are sure those CC feel they know better than everyone else don't we.

And you thought it couldn't get any worse??