Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Check Out The SOTA

Claudia has a very good letter to the Editor in this week's SOTA that makes some really good points regarding what really happened leading to Sheriff Owen's resignation versus what we were told happened.......

It is a "must read" so be sure to check it out! Just click the colored SOTA name in this post to read it.

Thanks to Claudia and of course to Chuck for telling it like it is....

Friday, June 12, 2009

Does anybody see a pattern here?

Does anybody see a pattern here?

In 2006 Moen was voted out as sheriff and Gaikowski elected. Gaikowski was to have begun in January 2007, but the CC decided to create a "new" position suddenly. This "new position" entailed them appointing McClelland
and giving him complete authority over Gaikowski, leaving nothing for the duly elected sheriff to do. Of course Gaikowski resigned (something the CCs were hoping would happen all along). Due to the many complaints from voters over this the CC appointed another Native American, Owen, who was reelected by the voters. Owen endured many months of harassment by the CCs with their vendetta against anyone with any ties to the Oyate.
Now Owen has resigned, leaving the county vulnerable again to the idiotic whims of a few who imagine themselves invincible and all powerful.

This pretty much boils down to white supremacy and a total discriminatory attitude by some of the ccs. They don't want a Native in a position of any sort of power, plain and simple....even if that person was duly elected by the people.

Have we had enough yet? Are we going to allow even more damage done to our county by those who took an oath to work for us rather than against us? The damage done by our present commissioners will live long after we get rid of them so the sooner we get them OUT the sooner we can begin the healing process. Roger and Tim are okay, but the others are not.

How much more of this behavior will it take for the PEOPLE to take back our county??? We need to stand up and be counted and we need to do it NOW!!