Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recent CC Meeting

There was an interesting article in the Courier this week by John Seiber (page B1). It dealt with a recap of the Nov 10 CC meeting.
Amid all the bickering, indecision, name-calling and back-pedaling on previous decisions, there was a notation regarding a vote on a motion to fence off a section line. The vote was tallied with Hull also casting a vote.
It has been our impression that the Chairman only votes to break a tie and this clearly was NOT a tie vote.
Common sense (and South Dakota law) says that section lines are not to be closed if only ONE person objects, and that article stated there were several objections.
It will be even more interesting to see what write-up is published on this same meeting in 2 weeks won't it?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

RC Sheriff Office: A Family Connection?

Of course we all know that RC Sheriff Tasa has a family tie with CC Navratil (he is Roger's nephew). But did you know that 2 recently hired Deputies are cousins as well? One is part time and one is full time, but both are relatives.

Amazing how quiet those CCs are about the Tasa-Navratil-sheriff staff family connection isn't it? Especially when those same CCs howled and roared when Vince Owen hired someone with ties in the past.

Could it be that the current sheriff is easily directed by our CCs so of course they want more of the same in that department? Or could it be simply a matter of skin color and/or genetics?

Makes one wonder if RC adheres to the "Equal Opportunity" disclaimer doesn't it?