Sunday, December 28, 2008

2 States' Attorneys in Roberts County??

We are hearing that our "supposedly" outgoing States Attorney doesn't want to leave her county-paid offices to make room for the new duly-elected States Attorney.
We also hear that our county (which is rumored to be broke ) is actually dallying on evicting the old and bringing in the new.
What is more, the out-voted lady wants to continue working on those county cases she couldn't seem to finish while she was on the county payroll, thus continuing to draw
county funds while she mis-manages even longer.

Apparently your vote does not count in Roberts County. The voters thought they had elected a new States Attorney, one who would be fair, work for the people and do the job he was elected to do.
Instead it sounds like Roberts County (or the few commissioners who think they ARE the only authority in RC) intends to keep the old States Attorney on the county payroll while she continues to waste time and tax monies to occupy county financed offices that properly belong to the incoming States Attorney.

Are we so rich in RC that we can afford 2 States Attorneys and 2 county funded offices? Doesn't SD law specifically state term dates? Maybe it is time to accept that THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Francis Crawford!

We would like to take a few minutes on this Christmas Eve Day to wish Francis Crawford a very happy 100th birthday. Francis was born on December 17, 1908 in Buffalo Lake SD. We recently celebrated with him at Tekakwitha Nursing Home where he now resides.

The picture shows Francis at his birthday party and the man in the photo with him is Harlan Hammer. They both served on the FSA boards together. Francis was a pillar of our community for a long time, serving on various boards. He helped many people along the way and we want to wish him all the best and a long happy future.

The Courier had a small notice, on the back page of course, identifying Francis as a woman. Just wanted to clarify that Francis Crawford is a man, a very tall man, and we are very proud to know him.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Horton Goes Fishing

The Sota has an editorial this week about CC Horton's latest fishing expedition that you will want to check out.
Just click the SOTA link to read all about Bobby's latest exploits .

Thanks to Chuck for keeping us informed and current on those underhanded CC's.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Blizzard Bits

We have our first (and hopefully last) blizzard of the 08/09 winter season blasting here in Roberts County SD today. With most roads closed or blocked across the entire state almost, it might be a good time to sit down with a hot cup of your favorite beverage and let us know where you hang your hat. Maybe carry our sense of community just a little further.....
Here in RC I found a little over 6 inches of new snow has fallen (or blown into the gauge as the winds are howling!) A nasty day to be out and about.
A good site to check the snow amounts is CoCoRaHS This is a network of volunteers who report precipitation around the state so you can find local reports there that best reflect your area. Check it out!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Drainage & Ditching Issues

We have a rather backward system for drainage permits etc here in Roberts County and this has led to some
bitter disputes as well as some hard feelings and confusion, to say nothing about lawsuits.

FSA would tell you they must give permission for any and all drainage and our own County Commissioners say
they are the authority on that issue and must be approached before any drainage work is done. There is also
SCS wanting to be asked and don't forget the state water board, Fish & Wildlife and on and on it seems.

It all boils down to the CC handing out permits left and right to almost anybody who will buy them a meal, with
absolutely no foresight in their decisions and certainly no intelligence involved in any of it.

A few months ago there was a CC meeting that garnered newspaper coverage plus many residents to
protest a drainage plan. The Browns Valley mayor pleaded with the CC not to approve more drainage until
MN got some sort of flood diversion in place. Since that time I have lost count on the number of drainage
applications that have been approved by the CC, with absolutely no regard to our neighbors to the east, or any other direction for that matter.

We are posting this subject to see if we can sort out some of the issues and pin down the major problem areas.
Please add your input on this subject. Remember, if all the facts are out in the open, it leaves little room for
shady, hidden projects.