Thursday, September 25, 2008

They're At It Again....

Did you catch today's Watertown Public Opinion Headlines:


"In a recent interview with the Public Opinion, County Commissioner Roger Navratil said the commission's current relationship with Sheriff Owen is pretty good, and that the county commission and sheriff largely steer clear of each other."

What's that???  Does that sound as idiotic to you as it does to me?  

Community Growth

Some "upbeat" community news this time!

We've heard there are plans for new growth in our community.  The Super Valu store is planning an addition to the Deli section....perhaps complete with tables and eating area.  There are rumors that Sisseton is also going to have a new gift shop opening soon on Highway 10 on the east side as well.  
Does anyone know what is happening with the trailor court on east 10?  We had heard another grocery store might locate there, but not much action is going on except trailers were moved out?

If you know of any plans for new business, additions or changes, in Sisseton or other surrounding communities, please tell us!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sheriff Shake-Up? continued.....

We were quoted in the Sota so we must be getting noticed.  I'd like to add to the article to clarify some things both said and unsaid.

"Roberts County Commissioner Chairman Louie Voeltz, who tells us that no action has been discussed at Commissioner meetings"

Do you notice how that is worded?  Of course nothing has been "discussed" at CC meetings!  It is all done elsewhere!!  Like most underhanded dealings, discussions on how to unseat the current Sheriff are best "discussed" in the dark, away from public view.

Commissioner Horton may not be well polished yet, since he is new to this; but give him enough time and I am sure he will become as adept at spinning as the CC Chairman obviously is.

We have heard that Sheriff Owen's "lack of cooperation" is reason enough for this newest dismissal attempt.  Could it be possible that our esteemed commissioners want to "eavesdrop" so much that they would insist on retaining an employee let go by Vince to keep their channel of communication open?

I would also point out that the very anonymity of this blog is what makes it unique and gets the 'grassroots movement' going.  When all is said and done, the comments read and digested, most of us can see what is true and what is not.  After all, our commissioners might sign their names to the monthly meeting minutes, but we all know that what is published is a far cry from what was said or done at those meetings don't we.

I want to add that I admire the Sota for reporting news and not making news.  Thanks for checking into this heinous attempt to unseat the best Sheriff that Roberts County has had in a long, long time.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sheriff Shake-Up?

We've heard that the Commissioners are planning some action against both Owen & Ward in an attempt to get them out.  It's all supposed to "hit the fan" within a week or so.
Maybe the CC figure that after elections are over and they are truly elected rather than appointed that it will be impossible to remove them from office?
Does anyone have more on this subject?  Please share with us?

Hang in there Vince & Chad!  

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sisseton Shooting

It makes great headlines to say there was a shooting in Sisseton, but the facts are that someone (not naming who) got upset by a fight near the skating pond on the west side and shot up in the air.
The police did their thing and arrested him and at this time there are no bodies......

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Drainage Issues in County

We hear the Commissioners are considering more drainage, even after they promised MN officials they would not allow additional drainage into the Red River Basin.  At least 3 or 4 more major drainage projects are on next week's agenda, with most of the water going into the RRV basin (via the residents over in Brown's Valley of course).

Are any of these people engineers?  Have they got any idea what they are doing and how it will affect flooding issues all the way to Winnipeg and beyond?