Monday, September 15, 2008

Sheriff Shake-Up? continued.....

We were quoted in the Sota so we must be getting noticed.  I'd like to add to the article to clarify some things both said and unsaid.

"Roberts County Commissioner Chairman Louie Voeltz, who tells us that no action has been discussed at Commissioner meetings"

Do you notice how that is worded?  Of course nothing has been "discussed" at CC meetings!  It is all done elsewhere!!  Like most underhanded dealings, discussions on how to unseat the current Sheriff are best "discussed" in the dark, away from public view.

Commissioner Horton may not be well polished yet, since he is new to this; but give him enough time and I am sure he will become as adept at spinning as the CC Chairman obviously is.

We have heard that Sheriff Owen's "lack of cooperation" is reason enough for this newest dismissal attempt.  Could it be possible that our esteemed commissioners want to "eavesdrop" so much that they would insist on retaining an employee let go by Vince to keep their channel of communication open?

I would also point out that the very anonymity of this blog is what makes it unique and gets the 'grassroots movement' going.  When all is said and done, the comments read and digested, most of us can see what is true and what is not.  After all, our commissioners might sign their names to the monthly meeting minutes, but we all know that what is published is a far cry from what was said or done at those meetings don't we.

I want to add that I admire the Sota for reporting news and not making news.  Thanks for checking into this heinous attempt to unseat the best Sheriff that Roberts County has had in a long, long time.


Anonymous said...

Interesting fact. Said employees husband was listed on agenda with personel behind it. Auditors doing, hes not personel, did she,Hull and Horton want to make sure Sheriff and Jail aministrator did'nt know a employee was coming?? Was'nt listed as a executive session either!! More games?? Why does Hull have to run up to Auditors office long before meetings begin and go back for a hour or so after? Is this where its cooked up???? He and Horton are the crackpots. Its always a set up. Is Dawn and them 2 pushing the laws of open meetings AGAIN????

dartman said...

My only comment is WE ELECTED Gary G. then supported and elected Vince as the Demo. candidate. As of right now he has no opposition BUT lets get out and vote and keep him as our duly-elected sheriff. He is doing a great job, despite the CC's and knowing Vince, will continue this as a duly-elected official. Then in two years lets clean house at the courthouse and get him the support he deserves.

Anonymous said...

Hey how can they (euditor)pay someone out of the jail fund thats not listed as a jail employee???? Should come out of hers. Some more of her senanigans.

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the commiss that thought they had Vince and Chad were wrong again!!!! Dumb!!! I cant think of a better name for Hull,Horton And Roger N. They just can't get it thru their heads they dont run the Sheriffs Dept. We have to get them out next election. If you read Wanous dumb statments in the Public Opinion then you know we don't want him in there with those 3. We have no room for another dummy.