Monday, October 6, 2008

What? Another County Jail!!?

Saw this in the current Sota newspaper today:

The United States Department Of Justice has announced a grant of $500,000 for an upgrade/expansion of the Tribal court/detention center at Old Agency.

Isn't this ridiculous?  Why spend for duplicate jails in the same county?  Why did the RC Commissioners give the "go-ahead" on the new jail instead of working with the Oyate and pooling funds for a community facility that would not only have saved Mega Bucks, but quite probably have brought unification and better understanding as well as uniting the citizens of this county?

What were they thinking?  Or perhaps we should instead ask:  "were they thinking at all"?
What do they have to say about this?  How on earth can they possibly justify this huge expenditure other than to cry about how broke the county is at this time?  And just how did Roberts County become broke, please tell us??  Shame on you CC!!


Anonymous said...

Well of course they are cryong the county is broke. It was very poor planning. And they have the guts to say its the jails fault. Blame Sheriff Owen and Chad Ward and they were'nt even aboard yet. Now is that not stupid??? I agree they could have talked to Tribe and still could if they would just swallow their pride and do it. Their Pathatic treatment of Sheriff Owen has alot to do with them not getting tribe prisinors anyway. What jerks most of them are.

dartman said...

See my comment under "They are at it again". Can't think of a term strong enough to describe the actions of the CC's on this issue. Us taxpayers are stuck with a huge bill and our grandchildren will still be paying for their actions. But we elected them and continue to tolerate their actions.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the tribe doesn't want to work with the county anymore. The sisseton high school was built on trust land with federal funding for native american students. It got to the point where it became so racist that just a handful of natives go there now so we built our own school again. If we would have helped build the new jail it would happen just like the school and we would be building a new one later on down the road anyway. What people don't understand is that when we had our boundries they were all living on a reservation. How racist is that.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the want to build a new jail becuase we both have different jurisdictions since some people in sisseton are so racist that its the whole reason we have two different set of laws to live by it really does suck to because the adults are so hard headed the confuse the younger generation. just like i think its funny how come they built the sherriffs officer there when the inmates escape all they have to do is run to the road and can't be touched by roberts county.. this world is so stupid these days. the native americans just live by what the white people put the through in the old days they put them on reservations. and the white people got greedy and still put there towns on the reservations. yeah this may not make sense i'm just getting my point across