Monday, October 13, 2008

Overheard Inside The Commissioner Meeting:

At the last commissioners meeting Horton asked Kay Nickolas why the Judge was putting people in jail and costing county money instead of fining them.  Kay said sometimes they have to sit their fines out.  Horton had a fit, said it cost county money to have them in jail.  Hull jumped in and said he learned over the years you don't tell the Judge anything.  Well, duh!

Now may I ask, what is a jail for if not to house prisoners?  Seems like our CC would rather make a profit from fining criminals and letting them loose so they can fine them again....after they commit another crime of course.

And you thought Roberts County was already dangerous after dark??


Anonymous said...

Better than a cartoon, Horton is so stupid. He told some of us Commiss should have more controll over Sheriffs Dept. What a fiasco that would be. We have a excellent sheriff. Why don't they just leave him alone. He and Chad have it all under control.

Anonymous said...

Wait till this one gets to Pierre. They will really laugh, are you reading this Claudia or were you at meeting? Be se sure to pass it on. We have to get the 2 H's out of there. Everyone needs alaugh now and then and this sure is one. Horton should g0 on Sat.nite live.

Anonymous said...

Yes I was there and my notes have already left my computer. Thank you for your support on keeping the comissioners honest, some of them any way. Which in a couple of them will never happen. I was totally surprised at such a statment. Jails have always been built to house inmates in my lifes experiance. Claudia

Anonymous said...

Administrator: I know my comment is not w/in this thread. Just wanted to say Thank-you for this blog. The original blog - just got so trashy!! I cannot believe all of that was allowed on that site. I have not gone back there. That site is more hurtful to this community than anything.
Thank-you for not being disrespectful & prejudicial in your opinions even if you strongly disagree w/a blogger.

Anonymous said...

I've known Horton along time and tho he is a nice man he is no business man. Without some business sence you cant be a affective offical in any area. He is way out of his leauge and does nothing but embarress himself by his statments. If he would have sit back and learned rather than acting like he knows all he might have been alright but he has doomed himself. Neighbors told me he even argued with landowners which way their water flowed. I dont know why he whats to come across so stupid but hes doing a great job of it. He just needs to bow out. And Hull i've known him for years. He needs to get off all boards and stay off. Hes became a joke and disgrace to the commission.

Anonymous said...

Why does'nt Horton take all the criminals home with him if he doesnt want them in jail? That is one of the dumbest statements any one could make. Thats what jail is for. If you want to make money stick to selling sweet corn Bobby.

Anonymous said...

This is toooo funnyyyyy don't put them in jail because its costing money?????/ Whats it for Horton?? Please answer that!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The last thing said that made no sense was Franklin Nelson Piddly talking about suing Kay. Now i'm no fan of hers but I hate lies just to try to discredit someone. Her petition is rightfully signed and People are not sworn in on a Bible in that position. So he is wrong. I dont understand his court antics at all and his letters in the paper made no sense at all. Just how long can a person carry on over a DWI that they are guilty of (by blood test) anyway? Why not be a stand up guy and take reposibility for his actions and quit costing the taxpayers money on court appointed attorneys? And he wants to be our representitive. Some of us wanted to know the facts about what he was saying about Kay and we knew just who would look in to it. He lies, like I said i'm no Kay backer but no one deserves lies.

Anonymous said...

Well another Horton classic: when told last meeting a prisoner had torn a phone off the wall, one commiss said lock em down!! Horton replied "it's cheaper to buy a phone than keep him in jail" Now he wants them to get away with damage to gounty property. It turned out it was'nt even a Roberts Co. prisoner so other inity has to pay for it. But Hortons not smart enough to get facts before opening his mouth. All he wants is no one in jail.